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Everything was dark when he opened his eyes. Leigh stretched his back and was puzzled when he tried to pull his arms down that they wouldn't come down. He tried again with more force, but only the bindings creaked. His legs were loosely bound. He felt the cuffs on his ankles, but he was able to bend his knees.

Leigh blinked a few times, coming fully out of his grogginess. He noticed there was something covering his eyes now. Light peeked through around some of the edges of the face covering. Turning into his upturned arms, he tried to use them to work the covering off. It was tied pretty well but didn't feel tight at all.

Nervousness filled the boy's belly. He called out, dragging out the word, 'Hell.. low?'

Nothing could be heard. He tried again, firmer this time. 'Hello? Is.. anyone there?'

Nervousness rolled into panic. 'Hello!' he screamed, and jostled himself on the soft surface. 'Is anyone there? Help me!'

Again, nothing. He yelled and yelled, thrashing about as his captor watched just a few feet from him. The man watched how the cute, chubby boy's body rolled and rippled as he jerked and bounced. His pale, freckled skin turning red and damp with the sweat of his efforts to escape.

Leigh jerked and pulled against his restrains, trying to free himself. The bindings cut into his wrists the more he jerked, but nothing gave. He stopped and curled into himself as much as he could. His tears soaked the bottom and sides of his face covering. Crying made him exhausted with the physical exertion.

He jumped the moment a warm hand touched up the side of his leg. Turning from the side to his back quickly, he rasped out with renewed energy, voice thick with tears, 'Hey! Hey.. plea-ease help me..'

The hand kept traveling up the boy's leg; its owner ignored his pleas. Leigh started to tremble when the hand closed in on his hip. He noticed then he was naked.

'Please don't.. don't.. do this,' he spoke trying to remain calm, though his voice shook and his pouty bottom lip trembled.

Leigh sucked in a shaky breath. The hand moved stilled on the boy's waist as he curled up on his side resigned so easily to his fate. The other man trailed his finger tips gently over the sobbing trembling boy, stopping when he reached the underside of his arm. He trailed upward from there, watching the skin pimple and react to the temperature change. The hands were warm while the room was chilly.

'Please.. please..' the boy murmered over and over softly, like a last prayer.

The man moved his hands back on his captive when he moved back toward the foot of the bad. Leigh felt hands move down his legs. He tried to pulled them in tighter to his person and move away from the unhelping hand, but the other person was quicker. Both of his legs were grapped and spread wide.

Leigh started to panic more. His bottom lip trembled and his body shook. He was tired from the crying and fighting against his restraints. Never in his life was he athletic. He was weak. Anger at himself for not being better consumed him that he was able to get a leg free and kick his kidnapper.

A hard thud and soft oomph sounded in the room, then silence. He moved toward the head of the bed. His legs were slack enough to pull up to his chest. The headboard was touching his middle back and he turned around kneeling to feel where his bindings went.

Leigh was jerked back, his face colliding with the headboard. New pain caused more tears and new energy to fight back. He bucked and fought, in the back of his mind he wondered about the injury to his mouth and chin. Warm trinkled down it and his neck. It felt bad. He wanted to check it at least.

The captor had gotten on top of Leigh weighing him down as his renewed energy fizzled out. He gave one last push, but it did nothing. Both of them were panting by the end.

The soft mattress gave way and the boy felt it shift. Breathing hard and trying to catch his breath, he shift to his side again.

'Why are you doing this to me?' he yelled his question and was met with silence.

'Why won't you say anything?' This one was spoken normally.

'Are you going to,' he whispered and swallowed hard, not really wanting to finish his question. He mumbled the rest, his voice shaking, 'kill me?'

Still, silence. There was a click and something started to whine. It sounded like gears were turning. Leigh's arms and legs start to separate and stretch out. He resisted slightly knew it was a lost cause. Eventually, his body was spread to make him feel like a starfish. His thighs that normally touched had a gap and he could feel cool air touching the heated skin.

Turning his head to the side, his forgotten chin made contact with his shoulder and stung. More tears collected in the eye covering. He couldn't believe he was going to die.. because of his stupidity. His father was right. Leigh's naive belief that people were inherently good was going to bite him in the ass - it did.

A clank sounded. He turned his head toward where he thought the sound came from. Pop. Pop. He knew that was the tabs of plastic clasps opening. The bed dipped on that side and the boy's body naturally fell into his captor.

Something warm and damp started at the boy's chest and worked its way up to his neck. It waited until Leigh got the notion to lift his head. His captor stroked his head in praise. When the person got to his chin, the boy hissed. It hurt. Strong pressure was applied. Leigh figured the place opened up.

'Why are you tending to me?'

'You are..' He trailed off feeling cold goop on his face. The hands were warm against his skin, gentle to the touch and gone once one last firm pressure was applied. Not that, Leigh had known it but the bandaid he wore was adorned with cute bunnies.

 Not that, Leigh had known it but the bandaid he wore was adorned with cute bunnies

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The weight on the mattress shifted. Though he was conflicted about this whole situation, Leigh was still raised to have manners.

'Thank you, sir..'

He assumed this person was the same obscured faced man he met at the bar, and he heard it. A sharp intake of breath and a low growl. It scared the boy, made him feel like he was going to be eaten alive. Fear caused him to tremble. He shook more when the mechanism started again. It pulled him down, bending his legs over the edge still strange spread position.

Sucking in his bottom lip, Leigh didn't want to show his fear and pulled on his wrist cuffs. They were taunt and kept his hand stretched out above his head. A warm hand patted his knee. The boy jumped slightly. His bottom lip was shiny with spit when it was finally released from its hold. 'Please..'

'Please.. sir,' he whispered as he struggled to keep his teeth from chattering. 'Please.. don't.. hurt me.'

Another hand touched his other knee and he jumped again. His body shivered and shook the more the hands traveled up both thighs. Thumbs of both hands made small circles on the inner thighs as the hands stopped in different increments. They moved up and back down, which seemed an eternity to Leigh.

He wanted to buck himself and get the disgusting, demented bastard away from him, but he was pulled so tight that he couldn't move. More light shown under the eye covering as the person moved and weight was applied to the boy's knees. The rustling of clothes and the feel of them on either sides of his shins and the soft thud of the person kneeling before him caused him to start trembling again.

'What are.. are.. youu..'

The boy's question was cut off when he felt the person nudge themselves between his legs and lean forward. Their warm breath hovered over his limp cock. Noo, nooo, he managed to scream in his mind and shift slightly from one side to another. The person snaked their hands up his thighs and lifted up his belly a little more. They pressed their nose into his pubis, inhaling deeply. Another low growl emitted from them.

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