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They surrounded him, forming a protective circle as the little bunny crumbled before them. Each looked to the other as the boy tried to cry quietly.

'Leigh,' Jordan's deep voice surrounded the boy's head, 'you know we can't help you unless you say what is wrong..'

The boy sniffled and rubbed his face into his crossed arms. He never felt so small, so helpless, and broken. Seeing that man.. that beautiful man.. The boy looked up, vision blurry unable to focus on the man to his left.

Leigh lied. He didn't want his friends to know what happened to him. They didn't need to know he had come to like his captor.. even crave the depraved way the man treated him. There was a sweetness.. a kindness to it..

That was sick and twisted within itself and another deeper conundrum - a problem for another day. It was buried deep down where no one should see.

'He's an ex that I'm not over..'

Leigh was surprised how easy the lie flew out of his mouth. He didn't stumble or clam up. It was true in a sense.. Sir was his and dumped him flat.. without reason.

Fresh tears ran down his face as Jordan patted his shoulder. The boy missed the look the man gave his lady, but he could hear the kiss and the shuffling of feet after his friend used him to push himself up from the floor. He didn't blame Jordan for his callousness. You can't sympathize with what you don't understand.

He was the most adult out of the friend group. He had a real job with real responsibilities and expectations. Those meant he had to get some sleep so he could start the tortuous task all over again.

'I'm sorry,' the boy uttered. It was for Jordan, but Kasi hugged him and pulled him close.

'Don't be, Bun. We are here for you, no matter what the old man says.'

She meant Jordan. They all suspected he was reincarnated from an old grandpa. He didn't get technology, had a fondness for paper, and loved cardigans.

'But he didn't hurt you?' Mick asked with narrowed dark eyes.

The boy shook his head as he wiped his eyes. They felt raw and puffy. It was all the tears he refused to left fall after he'd been dumped and resolved to find the bastard. But that all got pushed to the background after he met Kasi.. then Mick.. then Jordan, and judged her for it because he thought she was cheating.. then begged her forgiveness for not being open minded.

'I think I should go.' Leigh got out of Kasi's grasp and Mick stood up with him. Kasi still hung on to the back of the boy's shirt.

'You don't have to..'

He smiled sadly at her words, putting on a brave front. 'No, doll. I do. I don't want a lashing from the old dragon when he has to get up in the morning.'

They chuckled. His sounded wet and thick with tears. It did make him feel a little better, making fun of Jordan a bit to keep from confronting his own demented feelings.

Mick gave Leigh an awkward hug. He really didn't know how to comfort crying, not even when it was Kasi. She hugged the best, firm but not tight with just enough back strokes to not be creepy. She whispered before kissing his wet cheek, 'Call if you need us.. Okay, lucky rabbit?'

Lucky? He scoffed playfully at them but harbored his bitter notions deeply. Nodding because he couldn't trust his own voice at this point, Leigh led the way to the door as Mick followed, closing the door after the boy crossed the threshold.

 Nodding because he couldn't trust his own voice at this point, Leigh led the way to the door as Mick followed, closing the door after the boy crossed the threshold

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In front of their building, he broke down again. It was embarrassing enough to be out where people could see him, just random strangers judging him. He slid in a dark alleyway to squat and finish his crying.

It pissed him off he was blubbering like a fool over someone who literally tossed him out like trash. Just complete trash.

He was nearly over him, just the little memory.. a sliver Leigh decided to keep as a piece of a past lover. That man.. Trent (did he hear that correctly or was that another man?).. No, it was Sir and will always be Sir.

Looking up now, feeling more pathetic than before, he decided to finally leave his hiding place. He was a grown up, right? He might as well act like one. One the outside, he did have the air of some person who cried wildly with a crazed look on their face. It couldn't be helped. Leigh wasn't ready to mingle with society now and didn't have a grip on his emotions.

'Yeah,' he muttered aloud as his footsteps echoed. He walked far too hard in the heels of his feet. 'Get a grip, little boy. Be a fucking man.'

The boy swallowed hard. Looking up at the sky, he could see tiny specks of light coming through but most were drowned out by city lights. Maybe, he sighed, I just needed to get away.. It will hurt like this, but I won't run into him again.

His steps faltered, stopping him in front of a 24-hour convenience store. The bright light of the neon sign flashed on the sidewalk where he stood, flashing green and purple on his path. Guilt held him there. His friends would never condone him running away. They anchored him and gave him support. Especially Kasi. If it wasn't for her accepting his strangeness and baggage without question, he might not be here to mull over a stupid decision.

He looked up again, still standing in place, running a hand over his overly messed up braid. Turning, he used the reflection of the glass to check himself and untangle the long locks before tying them into a messy bun which he was quite proud of himself for perfecting over the years.

The boy moved to the left when a shadow formed on the window. He wanted to see his warped reflection. It was pretty in the leaking neon lights. He smiled, trying to zap the sadness from them, but the shadow moved. So he moved again. They played this game until Leigh got pissed off, whipping around to look behind him. Nothing was there.

The windows to the convenience store were tinted poorly and with cheap material. He was sure the owner wanted to give some sort of privacy, but it ended up looking like frosted glass with missing pieces from people peeling the tint away. Curiosity got the best of the boy. He didn't need anything..

'Bunny..' was breathed as soon as he crossed the threshold.

But he ignored the soft call. It was incredible that he heard it over the absurd music playing. Loud and obnoxious. It was easy to play like he didn't hear the man. It was easy to take one step after another to the back coolers and grab something random. It was easy to go through me motions with the clerk and walk out the door, where a sterner, more urgent 'Bunny' was called.

How Leigh's insides turned to fucking mush. How he wanted to melt and swoon after hearing that voice again. Right now, he was weak. So weak and would crumble as easy as paper if that man commanded him.

His feet moved as fast as they could go, but he didn't run. Running in the city at night drew attention. Though he knew he would be ignored. His heart swelled when he heard fast moving feet behind him.

He's coming, he thought. Sick pleasure filled him and Leigh moved faster, breaking into a run.

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