Chapter 7 - Rainfall

Start from the beginning

"Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?" Her voice didn't rise above a breath, almost no noise came from her lips.

He didn't stir, lest she try to speak to him. He did not want to deal with her petulant attitude anymore than he must, but he would listen. Content with observing for once in his long life.

She turned abruptly at a crash of thunder, sending a miscellaneous piece clattering to the floor in her startle.

Her helm whipped around to face his large form in wait. Her heartrate spiked and her oxygen intake excelled. That of a frightened, cornered animal.

She shut the radio off and picked the piece up swiftly. "Sorry..." She whispered apologetically.

He sneered inwardly at her reaction before bringing his mobility online. "Pathetic." He rumbled.

"Did I wake you up?" She questioned, disregarding his comment entirely, her gaze not meeting his. "I didn't mean to."

Her tone was grating on his audio receptors in a way he couldn't quite explain. It was different and out of place coming from her.

"Why do you take such a tone with me, girl?" Megatron growled as he leaned forward in her direction.

Lauren didn't respond as she wiped her hands on her pant legs, smearing grim across the worn fabric. Her face was pensive as if trying to conjure a response at all.

The decepticon was not known for patience. He snarled at her blatant defiance. "Speak when you are spoken to, organic." His tone jumped in volume and suddenly the thunder wasn't so loud.

She curled her fingers into her palms as she ducked her head lower, as if trying to shrink away from his commanding voice.

Her eyes stung and the world around her blurred behind a thick wall of tears that threatened to spill beyond her lashes. She dare not blink. Face flushed in warmth, she sucked in a shaky breath. Why did she feel like a child being scolded? For fucks sake, she was a grown woman who could care for herself, but still, the tears kept building until they spilled against her will. She made no move to wipe away the wetness in fear of drawing more attention herself. Part of her wished that the storm outside would rip up her home and herself in some twisted version of 'The Wizard of Oz'. More tears spilled and she sucked in a breath sharply. She was not a child, but God did she feel like one. Lauren felt helpless and even more so under Megatron's scrutiny.

The decepticon glared. The stench of sweat and sodium rolled off her form in waves. Her shoulders hunched and terse as she labored another breath.

And she still didn't answer.

She was leaking fluids. Why? Never had he provoked that reaction from her. He should be satisfied with the display of submission, but it only angered him further. Piteous looked scorned on her.

"Why are you expelling your fluids, organic?" His inflection was stern but his volume dropped back to a normal octave. His glare still hard and ever present, it would be a momentous day in history when his glare vanished.

She hiccupped and wiped the liquid from her face with haste. "I'm fine, I'm not crying."

"Do not lie to me fleshling." He hissed. Who did she think she was? Did she think he was ignorant?

Lauren sniffled. "It's just, I- fuck!" The expletive ripped from her throat as she harshly dried at her eyes. Crying in front of an alien robot war lord, that was a first she wasn't ready for. "I can't do anything about my house. It's not even mine! I inherited it!" Her words came out grated as her face reddened further. "They are going to take my home and I can't do anything about it!" Her despair turned to sudden anger and she slammed her hands down onto her workbench, agitating the items it homed and bruising her callused hands in the process.

Inevitable (Megatron x FEM/OC)Where stories live. Discover now