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All he wanted was a night out of fun. Being out around people was enough for Leigh. He just wanted to feel apart of something.

He sat at the bar, trying to not let the self-consciousness eat him alive. All those intruding thoughts of his gut was too noticeable; the bar stool creaked anytime he moved; he was dressed too frumpy; and he was ugly bounced around his head. It weighted him down even more than his actual weight and caused him to slouch at the bar.

The gorgeous Adonis wearing a see-thru top noticed him lumbering over his drink in the only corner of the bar devoid of constant flashing lights moving across the club. He made his way over to Leigh and gently shook him.

'You okay tonight, honey?' the Adonis asked having to yell a bit for his voice to be carried over the music. A warm smile flashed in Leigh's direction when the young man instantly jerked up at the man's touch.

'Oh.. yes..' he nodded, his voice quiet as he felt embarrassment hit his face. 'Thank you.'

The bartender nodded back at him and smiled bigger at the younger man's shyness. It was refreshing to see after his many years working at this place. Many of the patrons were very forward about that they wanted and would eat this poor baby alive. The younger man had finished his drink and politely waited for the Adonis to return after helping another good looking bartender, dressed like an angel, deal with a group of squealing twinks.

Angel decided to give up, Leigh observed from his dark corner, coming to his neglected corner of the bar. Soft orange light randomly flashed over the boy and gave the angel a fright of who was hiding from the wild crowd by the emerging go-go dancers.

'I'm sorry,' chuckled Leigh, just above the softer music that was currently playing.

'No worries, babe,' the angel answered. 'You should join the fray if you intend on getting laid.'

Shaking his head and blushing furiously, the younger man only smiled sadly at the crowd. It took him a while to speak. When he did, the music changed again, and Adonis joined them. 'I'm new to this. I don't know what to do.. This is good for now.'

Adonis and Angel looked at each other, deciding unspoken, they were going to adopt this sweet little gay as their nephew. Leigh looked up from his hands to them and thought how wonderful it would have been if he could look like them.

'Sweetie, do you want another?' yelled Adonis. He already grabbed the empty glass. 

Leigh nodded and placed some cash on the bar. It was something fruity, the young man had asked for earlier, since he was new to drinking hard liquor. Beer was something that he had growing up. His favorite grandma would allow him a sip or two of her diluted beer with Sprite. Until he turned 13 and she allowed him to drink his own. It was their secret and his reward when he would spend his entire summer with her, helping around the house.

He smiled as the angel delivered his drink this time. It was a different color, kinda electric blue. It tasted like sour Jolly Ranchers. His lips puckered and his tongue tingled.

Adonis chuckled and winked at the boy. Leigh smiled with his blue tinted mouth. With a second drink packed away, his tummy started to feel warm. The feeling moved all the way down to his toes and settled back up into his lower abdomen. It was strange. But it wasn't unpleasant. He wondered if this was the feeling of being buzzed..

His grandmother would never allow him more than two diluted Sprite beers anytime he was with her. So he never had this feeling. The warmth moved to tingling, like all the little hairs were standing on end. It was similar to the time he went to a science center with his not favorite grandparents and touched a plasma globe. Such a funny feeling, he mused to himself.

Music and chattering picked up again. Leigh made eye contact with Adonis, silently asking for another and smiled. The older bartender responded in kind and sent him another over after helping a group of guys fighting for his attention, which the boy told the angel he could wait.

The tingling feeling caused him to feel braver. While he waited on his next drink, he turned around, looking out from his darkened safe space, to the bar crowd, go-go dancers, and dance floor. The upper floor, private areas and VIP lounges, had their occupants moving to the music. The energy caused a soft smile to play on the boy's face.

The next drink materialized and a soft rustle of Leigh's blond curls brought his attention around. He noticed on the napkin were blurry words. Most of it was gone due to the drink sweat, but he could make out "o he use." He shrugged, his mind a little fuzzy, and decided not to try to figure it out. The drink was three colors: yellow, pink, and orange. So pretty, he thought and sipped it up. By the time he looked up from his drink, the thing was already gone. That one was the best so far.

He pushed the glass aside and managed to slide off the bar stool with minimal effort. His legs were slightly numb from sitting up there so long and not being able to reach the railing on the bar or the footrest on the barstool. Leigh was short. That was a fact well known since he was little. His favorite grandmother was an Amazon. The woman towered over her husband who was just shy of 5'7" which meant Leigh inherited the shortness from him.

He was only 5'1" and barely that, maybe five foot and a half. Who was he kidding? He thought his driver's license said he was 4'11". The thought had him cracking up on the way to the bathroom. He was definitely going to have to check that out once he got his mind right.

After relieving himself, washing his hands in time with the stall rattling and "Oh yeah. There, Daddy" on repeat, he returned to the bar to find a drink in front of his seat.

'Aww,' he whined a little but knew he didn't own that spot.

Leigh moved two spaces down and waved in the direction of Adonis. The bartender didn't seem to see the boy, but that was no matter. The person who ordered the drink plopped themselves in Leigh's old seat.

The boy looked over at them and offered a friendly smile. The man, who the boy couldn't only see the bottom half of his face and glint where his eyes should be, smiled back and raised his glass up.

He leaned toward the boy and said, 'Thank you for keeping it safe.'

Leigh was able to see a little more of the man's face. There was scruff on his chin, dark in color, and full lips, but the planes of his face were still encased in shadow. 'You're welcome, I guess.'

The man smiled. This time the boy was able to see his teeth. They were straight and very pretty. His canines though appeared to have a natural point. It looked sharp. In a fleeting moment, Leigh asked himself what they would feel like if he bit him.

All the blood from his body flooded his face when the man complimented him. 'You are such a cutie. Do you come here often?'

Blond curls bounced all over the boy's head as he provided a negative response. He felt something light up inside him at the simple kind words. It made him feel giddy and shy. Oh, so shy.

He looked back at the bar, letting his eyes roam his hands. They were empty and his fingers splayed across the surface. His tongue darted out of his mouth. Soft pale pink lips were slightly sticky with the previous drinks the beautiful bartender had made him. Leigh wanted another, but he saw both the angel and Adonis were busy with a thickening crowd.

His new companion followed his line of sight. The boy shivered when the man's voice was right next to his ear. 'Do you want another drink, cutie boy?'

The newly dubbed cutie boy moved his head, bouncing his golden curls all over the place. His face was so hot he thought he was going to explode. His companion chuckled and said, 'I like to hear your sweet voice.'

He swallowed hard at the request, his mouth dry and his palms sweaty. It was the longest time he had talked to someone who wasn't making fun of him and seemed genuinely interested. Of course, he would oblige the stranger. 'Yes, I would. Please, Sir.'

Though Leigh wasn't aware of it, the man clinched his fist to keep from touching him. A small growl, hidden under the music, escapes the man and he pulled away from the boy. 'As you wish.'

He watched the man disappear into the moving shadows of the bar taking the long way around to get to the bartenders. From this corner, Leigh had a good view of pretty much the entire club. His eyes lingered on some of the patrons dancing without a care in the world. All shapes and all sizes. He wanted to know where their confidence came from.. or was it just him?

Was he just stuck in his shell like a stubborn turtle, like Melva said? No. He shook his head. He was always cautious, always particular. It took a long time to even let Melva in, which was why he still felt out of place and not belonging anywhere. He sighed. No. He shook his head again. He couldn't let himself get wrapped in a downward spiral of thought.

Leigh looked toward his right when something brushed his arm and shoulder. It was the man. He was back with a pair of cocktails. One was neon green with an orange twist and the other was pink with a small umbrella.

'Pick your poison,' the man rasped next to his ear, jokingly.

The green one was pulled in front of the boy, mainly because it was easier to get to. He looked up at the man as the random light cascaded across his face, lighting his eyes up to a strange purple color. 'Thank you, sir. Do I owe you?'

He was already sliding his hands to his back pocket and the man shook his head. 'No, cutie, I'm happy to get this for you.'

Leigh's stomach completed a little cartwheels as he sipped on his beverage. It was green apple and very yummy! It was gone the instant it touched his lips.

'Wow..' commented the man. 'Are you in a hurry?'

The boy chuckled. 'No. It tasted really good.'

'I see. Do you want me to get you another?'

He smiled in response, showing the man his slightly stained green lips. 'No, sir. I'd like.. to just.. bubble.'

The man gave Leigh a look of confusion which caused him to chuckle. He didn't want to explain his silliness. The feeling he was having was similar to the time he had champagne at New Years. The bubbles tickled his stomach and made him giddy. He felt happy now.

His adoptive uncles took turns looking in his direction and saw him, looking happier than when he came in, with someone they had never seen before. They each took this as a sign that the poor boy wouldn't be eaten alive and live to tell the tale.

He didn't know how much longer he and the man spoke about everything and nothing. It was nonsensical at times and meaningful the next. Leigh laughed so hard a sharp pain started at the top of his head. It shocked so much he stopped mid-laugh.

'Are you alright, cutie pie?'

Leigh nodded, forcing a smile that turned genuine once the pain went away. He enjoyed the various ways the man called him cute throughout there conversation. The man tapped his pinky on the back of the boy's hand. Leigh had picked up the action was when the man wanted him to use words.

'I'm really fine, Sir.'

'Good boy.'

The man's praise fluttered the boy's insides. He liked he was good for someone, and wanted to continue to be a good boy. He giggled aloud causing the man to smile at him. His mouth was really pretty, thought the boy.
His mind over the last few minutes had started to muddle pretty significantly. He couldn't control his giggling any longer and the warm tingling feeling spread all over his body. His eyes lingered a little too long on the man's mouth. The softness of the man's lips ran through his mind, but he wasn't brave enough to find out. Though they were encased in mostly shadow, it was too public for Leigh.

'Cutie, do you want to kiss me?'

The question shocked the boy. He was taken aback and blinked at the man several times, albeit very slowly. Biting his bottom lip, Leigh decided this point.. this particular point.. in his boring, lonely life could be a turning point for him. It could go really, really well or he would just be in his shell forever as a stubborn turtle.

His voice shook as he answered. 'Yes.. I want to.'

Those lips he still hasn't taken his eyes off formed a smile. 'Then, my little cute bunny, come and kiss me.'

Leigh's eyes shot up from the man's mouth to his dark glittering eyes. There was mischief there and challenge. The boy wasn't a person who went after what he wanted. He was far to shy and introverted. Though the man led the way and offered him the opportunity, he was still stuck. He hesitated. His own lips shook as he released a shaky breath.

He had never been in a relationship before and never kissed anyone other than his family on the cheek. Would he be good? Or terrible and turn the man off? But on the other hand, he didn't want to let all this man's efforts go to waste..

Slowly shifting his numb legs over and using the bar top as support, he leaned to his right and closed the small gap between them. He could feel the man's breath on his forehead. After shifting more, he found he couldn't go any further.

'I'm sorry,' he whispered and was going to settle back down into his seat, but the man snaked his hands around the boy's waist and pulled him into his lap.

'Don't be sorry, cutie,' he said helping the boy settle on his lap. 'I failed to realize our size difference was greater than I thought. I've brought you here. I think you can come the rest of the way.. right?'

Leigh swallowed and looked down briefly at the man's chest. He was dressed in a dark button up which seemed stressed at the buttons. His eyes widened. He was in someone's lap. He was sitting in someone's lap! He chuckled at himself and his childish thoughts. Happily, he leaned up and kissed the man softly on his lips.

He felt it, rather than heard, the rumble of the man's chest. His eyes opened as he pulled away and looked down. 'Are you purring?'

'Cutie, you are pushing me closer to my limit,' he whispered into the side of the boy's neck after he leaned forward growling. Leigh didn't quite understand what he meant, but he wasn't naive either. The hard log under his butt was a major context clue.

'Could I touch you more?' the man asked, his voice deepened and sounded urgent. The boy in his lap was giddy again by the question. Happiness at how gentle this man was with him flowed out of him in a determined breath. Even if he never saw this man again, he would be happy to allow him to be the first.

'Yes, please.'

The man growled into his neck which caused goosebumps to pimple across his skin. Leigh made a small noise when the man's hand moved up his back into his hair, grasping a handful gently and tilting his head back further. Light from a random strobe moving much slower than the rest lit up the man's face. Leigh missed the very predatory look in the bigger man's eyes.

Their lips collided hard as the man decided he was going to make this soft boy his. Leigh couldn't keep up with the man's lead because he didn't know what to do. It worried him in the back of his mind, but it seemed the man didn't mind. The more experienced tongue swept across his mouth in a final motion before pulling out, leaving the boy breathless. He made a swallowing motion, feeling something gritty and tasting chalky. But Leigh thought nothing of it because the man was back, latching his mouth to his and forcing watered down cocktail in his mouth. The remains oozed a little down the side of his chin.

'Silly, little bunny,' the man chuckled as he wiped the boy's chin. Leigh nodded, smiling softly.

His heart was beating a million miles a minute and his body was hotter than before. Squirming in his seat, the man clamped down on his waist. 'Don't push me, little bunny.'

Leigh looked down and remembered he was still in the man's lap. 'I'm sorry.'

Embarrassment crept over his face and he slid down from the man's lap, feeling woozy. All the lights and colors seemed to have halos and light trails running after them. His head hurt just a bit. More than that, he had to pee. He had taken a step away from the man and halted when he was tugged back. 'Where are you going, cute bunny?'

'I've got to.. Bathroom,' he opted for a more adult answer. 'I'll be back. Promise.'

The man leaned forward, taking his hand and placed a kiss inside his palm. He giggled at the action. It was so cute how this gentle bear was acting. The boy stumbled away, barely remembering the way.

When he made it to the bathroom, he could barely stand and moved to a stall to sit. His muddled mind began to calculate the number of drinks he had and he couldn't exactly remember. He looked down at his hands after peeing and lifting to shake himself off. There was a halo around everything. His vision had doubled. The boy tucked himself away, leaving his shirt untucked his time and unbuttoned the top few buttons. He was hot now, sweat flattened the baby hairs around his face. His neck was damp with it. In his chest his heart hammered. He used cold water from the sink to cool him down, but it didn't help. In the mirror, his face housed bright red blotches across his jowls.

His eyes widened at the sight in the mirror. This person looked wild and unkempt. Who are you? He asked inwardly. The reflection responded with a wink. Yeah, he realized, that's me. Wild and kissed.. A new wave of color washed over the boy's face. He looked back and met the knowing eyes of his reflection. "Let him fuck you" was mouthed at him, but Leigh heard the words come out of his mouth.

'Yeah, I will,' he nodded determined and made his way stumbling back to the man, whose name he had yet to learn.

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