Episode 5 Hunting (1)

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Aiden and me, both of us ran at our top speed.

Our destination was still approximately 3 kilometers away and our stamina had hit rock bottom due to fighting with that ant.

It was a monster of the lowest grade, but we still couldn't beat it without doing our best.

Just how much stronger did we need to get?

[Kim Suho there's only 30 minutes left, are you sure we can arrive there on time?]

[I've told you this before, we will be there.]


I could feel a speck of nervousness in his eyes, he's surely afraid of the wave I told him about inside the safe room.

[Aiden don't wor- Aiden look out!]

My sweet words were cut out and a sudden warning came out of my mouth, an ant similar to the one we faced earlier attacked Aiden causing him to crash into the house in front.

Was this always in the game? No if it was I would've remembered it, is this because of the shortcut we took? Yes it had to be.

But is Aiden alright? No forget about him, I'm about to be this ant's prey.

[Dang it, I want to run, I really want to run, but I can't. I have to save Aiden.]

I said that but the ant in front of me didn't seem to agree. The ant rushed towards me, but what happened next was not even in my wildest of imaginations.

[Ah....ah....ha..... I..I....won't go.....go down.....that eas....easily.]

Aiden's spear pierced the ant's head causing it to fall down almost instantly.

Aiden stood up and walked towards the ant while blood dripped from his head and his right hand. His head injury was probably because of the ant, but the blood on his hand was probably caused by a cut that would've been made when he threw the spear.

He still had this much magic left?

[Aiden you need to rest for sometime.]

I caught the almost fallen Aiden and tried to support him so he could stand straight.

[No I don't need rest, we don't have much time left, if we waste our time here, we won't be able to survive.]

[You're right, but with your injuries like this I doubt you can even walk.]

[N-No I can wal-]

Before he could finish his sentence, Aiden's body became devoid of any power and he fainted.

[Shit wake up, I can't carry you like this.]

I said that, but no matter what else I did, there was no sign of him waking up.

His magic had now fully depleted due to its excessive use.

I laid him down next to a huge piece of rock close by and extracted his spear from the ant's head.

[Dang it, so no loot this time.]

If this ant had dropped some kind of loot it would've been good, even a portion would've been good because it could've helped to cure Aiden's injuries.

There's no other choice but to let him rest so his magic can automatically restore.

The problem is there's not much time left.

[I didn't want to do this but for his survival, this is necessary.]

I took a deep breath and spoke.

[Sponsor, please release the magic of the swords.]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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