Episode 3 Survival (1)

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[Then prepare to die.]

Alice took out a long spear from thin air.

Now that I had a few of my memories back, she didn't scare me, that much.

Instead I was a little confident I could survive.

[You're more than welcome to try.]

After hearing my remark Alice's eyes gave a furious gaze and she charged at me.

I also made a stance I was familiar with.

For a moment there, I could feel myself becoming the main character of a certain something.
Maybe unknowingly, I had already become the main character.

Seeing how I was gaurding myself Alice hesitated for a moment, but she didn't stop.

Who wouldn't flinch? If they knew who I was mimicking.


The swords and the spear collided.
Alice moved her face closer to me and said.

[You.... who are you?]

Hmm...... hard to answer.

[Who do you think I am?]

I continued..

[Maybe I am 'HIM']

[If you were, I would've already known.]


My cold remark only made her more angry, she truly was powerful. If it wasn't for the swords I would've already been dead.

Additionally I knew her every move. I had the most advantages at the moment, but somehow she still had the upper hand.

Why the heck was this woman so powerful this early? Isn't the system restricting her powers?

I was gradually getting pushed back, soon the force exerted on the sword's doubled, making me fall to the ground.

[No matter how much you try to copy 'HIM', you can't use that power.]

I know.

[Even the knowledge you have won't be useful against me, you're a fool to think that you could've taken me on, now give me those swords.]

Alice pointed the spear towards me who had already fallen to the ground.

But she was mistaken about something. It's obvious because I didn't tell her about it.

[You're right, I can't take you on, but I'm not the fool.]


A stupid grin fromed on my face.

[You're the fool.]

After hearing this, Alice began to focus all her magic power into the tip of her spear. It looks like she wants to end me for good this time, there's no way I'll survive.

The spear almost hit me when...


[[Your supporter, ⬛⬛ doesn't wish for your death.]]

The spear stopped mid air. I could see the stunned face of Alice, what was happening didn't make sense to her.
Obviously it wouldn't, because this wasn't one of the 'events' she knew.

With a burst of light, Alice was thrown back penetrating through the walls and landed in the broken house next door.

She shouldn't be conscious after getting hit by that, nontheless I had to run. If she gains consciousness then I'm dead, my supporter can't help me this time.

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