Episode 3 Survival (2)

26 3 7

I clearly remember playing the game.

It was as if you were really living the life inside it, even if you received any form of damage that could decrease the player's HP, the player would receive a slight electric shock in reality.

The game had very few players, so there weren't any online interactions with others but you could actually play the story quests.

The story was awfully long, so long that it was advised by the developers of that game to take time and slowly complete it.

For a normal person it would take seven years to complete it.

But it only took me two.


[[You have successfully entered the system shop.]]

The scenery around me changed to more of a mechanical one. Of course it was only in my mind, my body was still in the trash can, only my vision was transferred here.

I could still partially see the original world if I wanted to.

[[Due to your current magic power you cannot get access to the shop's products.]]

I didn't really want any products so it was alright, instead.

[[You cannot buy any product from the shop due to your insufficient magic power, but you are able to buy other basic products.]]

Magic was the currency in the starting chapters of this game. Later it would be changed to something else as the system gain's more influence.

I didn't have magic like the other survivors of apocalypse, but I had my sponsor's advantage.

All of the other survivors would only be able to access the systems shop once the third quest is over. I already have a sponsor so it's not a problem.

What I wanted from the shop was the currency itself, magic.

When people would complete the third quest and find out that they could've bought magic from the shop, they would likely freak out.

The problem was, how can I buy magic when magic itself was the currency?

The answer was quite simple actually. In the early days of the system, anybody who actually tried to open the system would find a lot of loopholes.

I just had to exploit those loopholes.

[Show me products that are currently available for me.]

[[Your magic lvl is 0]]

[[Searching for available products.]]

[[Currently 1 product is available.]]

[[Magic is available.]]

[[Would you like to buy it for ..... amount?]

Just as I thought, I can buy magic. I just need to find out what the payment is.

For that I need to repeat what I did just now.

[Show me products that are currently available for me.]

I repeated this for a few times. Then...

[[Would you like to buy basic magic power for a piece of cloth?]]

It seems like it worked.

What I exploited was a glitch present in the game itself. The developers didn't fix it, they just simply let it be. I don't know the reason but it was now more easy for me.

That means whatever was in the game, is the same in reality too.

I was the first one to have found the glitch, and I doubt that any of the other players found it out.

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