Episode 1 What's happening?(2)

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Released from the pain I opened my eyes, the only thing I understood after opening them was that I was alone in the room.

My mother who was behaving strange wasn't there nor the well prepared food.

[Who am I?]

I can't remember.

The only thing I can remember was me coming from school and then the events afterwards.

As I pondered and looked around the house I heard strange noises.


Was my mother upstairs?


I called her, but there was no reply. I called her a few more times but there was still no answer.

[It's worrisome, maybe something happened to her]

I quickly went up stairs, I looked everywhere not a single room left neither I found my mother nor the source of the strange sound. I gave up but then....


[Huh? A wild animal?]

It isn't possible for any animal to come in this area. Wait I don't think any animal can make that sound. I looked outside the window only to be stunned.

The night sky was dyed red with colourful stars shining brightly. This beautiful sky reflected the horrible sight of Seoul city .

How did this happen?

Buildings fallen to the ground, dead humans with torn up bodies

The cause of this horrible catastrophe were freely roaming around. It couldn't be believed if not seen by ones own eye.
Monsters were roaming around, some as giant as buildings and some the size of an adult human.

[What's going on?]

I was scared and I was panicking, I didn't know what to do.


A monstrous being appeared in front of my house but at the following events I couldn't believe what I saw.

[Kill it! It's almost dead]

[Someone help! Save me]

[Tear it's eyes]

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Humans like me were fighting a black coloured Rhinoceros, maybe he was the one who made those weird noises. He was the size of a small building but the men were fighting him using guns.

[Maybe if I join them I can figu--]

I ate my own words. The rhinoceros killed what seemed to be eight men in a single strike. I vomited a handful of stuff. The scene I just saw made me unable to move.

The torse of the men burst open and their insides gushing out, it was a disgusting and horrible sight.

Then something horrible I wished wouldn't happen happened. The rhinoceros was looking at me.


My voice came out so low that I could barely hear myself but it wasn't a time to think about this.

The rhinoceros in front of the house charged at me.

He tore thorough the middle of the house, wrecking it. Luckily he wasn't charging at me but went somewhere else.

His wreckage caused the middle of the house to collapse and revealing the majestic sky.

Following him were a herd of giant bees aiming for the rhinoceros 's neck.

[I'm exposed to danger]

I thought to myself. Maybe I'll die, but quickly let go of that thought.

I then quickly hid under the bed to avoid any potential dangers but then what came was unexpected.

With the sound of an old train engine.


A blue holographic window appeared in front of me.



⟨Proof of the Past⟩

Type: personal task

Difficulty: -

Clear condition: Acquire the 'hidden proof' which is close to you.

Rewards: You currently posses only 7% of your memory, if you complete the task 85% of you memory will be restored. Support of ⬛⬛.

Penalty: if you fail to complete the task then you will have to survive in this world with your current memories and without the support of ⬛⬛.

Additional information: You will receive a hint whenever you are close to the 'hidden proof'.

Time limit: ten days


[What is this? First the monsters and now this?]

Why was this happening I didn't know nor could I understand this thing infront of me.

I couldn't understand. Everything didn't make sense. How did I get here? Who am I?

I started to panic, but quickly started to cool my mind.

After a while when my mental state was stable I quickly thought of what had happened so far, arranged them in order and thought about what to do next.

[I have no particular leads so I have to complete this task maybe attaining my memories may help. And the support of this thing mentioned will be good or bad I don't know but I don't have any other choice]

The benefits I could get were limited but the consequences were set in stone. While thinking I heard someone approaching. I hid my self better only to be kicked in my torso and picked up by someone.

[Hey, who the hell are you?]

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