Episode 4 First quest (1)

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Rain poured as if it was the last time it would fall.

A beautiful woman whose injuries could still be seen, ran at a tremendous speed to find someone.

[Ugh... The injuries still haven't healed successfully.]

The system restricted the use of advanced skills this early on, but her magic power had already filled in the gap.

No matter how much magic power she poured into her injuries, the attack she received was no normal attack if it's aftereffects were still lingering around her body.

[That damned guy! I have to find him before he finds the others, I don't know how much he knows, but if he messes up, that'll change the events.]

Alice was afraid, she didn't have her trusty companion with her right now, this was the only time in hundred of years that nor her trusty companion had accompnied her, neither the rest of the party.

[If they didn't come here to meet me then something is wrong, is someone interfering just like before? But that's impossible, no one except Jae Seon, me, and our party knows about the truth.]

As Alice talked, a few monsters could be seen in her way.

A group of grade 9 mutant spiders were coming out of human sized holes from the ground.

If it were a normal person they would've run away the moment they saw those frightening spiders, but Alice was different, she was powerful.

Alice enchanted some words that no one would be able to hear because those words were restricted.

At that moment a long sword was taken out from thin air. She swung that sword causing all the spiders to die instantly.

[If that Kim Suho knows about the 'Travelers' then he poses grave danger to our identities.]

This time she didn't talk to herself, but to someone who was watching her.


[Ah I know I know, but still don't you find it concerning? That guy knew about those swords and after he got his memories back, it looked like he knew what was happening, he knew who I was and he knew who Jae Seon was.]


[Shut up! Did you even see how he got a sponsor without clearing the third main quest and how powerful his sponsor was?]

For a moment there, Alice thought just maybe that boy was one of them, but it didn't make sense.

[For now I'll go find the others, most importantly my brother.]


It was raining, so much that it was almost impossible to clearly see the other end of the street.

[We should go out before the rain gets even worse.]

The boy looked at me as though he was dumbfounded.

[I know I'm pretty impatient to meet my sister but not that much, I don't want to get soaked in the rain.]

It was a mutual feeling, but I know this rain wouldn't stop Alice. The first person she would come looking for was her brother.

[You're right, I don't want to get soaked either but if we don't, a mad woman is going to attack us.]

Well that wasn't really a lie.

[How do you know that?]

What should I tell him?

[Do you know why my clothes were ripped from different places? It was because of the mad woman, she is more powerful than a grade 8 mutant gorilla.]

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