Episode 1 What's happening?(1)

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Ever wondered what kind of life the extras live? How they survive the story which is solely for the main character and the reader?

'They have their own stories ', that's what I think, at least I'd like to.

They solely exist so the story can go on so the main character gets the spotlight. It doesn't matter even if an extra becomes a character of any worth because that'll still means many other extras have been foresaken by the story.



[ you're daydreaming again! Wake up and focus]

The teacher yelled as there was no tomorrow.

I wanted to say ' chill ' but obviously I couldn't say that to a teacher. Well it is my fault for not listening to him.

[ sorry, I'll be careful ]

[Whatever, not like it'll do something to me if you be like that, it'll only impact your studies if you don't pay attention]

Is he a good person or bad I can't seem to tell.

[ Go wash your face it looks awful]

Maybe I dozed off so that's why he's a bit harsh? Anyway I got up from my seat and went to the toilet.

When I came back I saw my classmates glaring at me. Did something happen?

[ oh your finally here great!, I'm giving a test on what we did today so study well]

This... is quite troublesome.

[ Now I'll be exiting, if you have any complaints know that you were told this school is tough]

[ B-But it's only the fifth day, there's not much to prepare]
Said a boy sitting at the third row of the class.

[ The homework I gave you and the things you learned in class, learn them well, I'll be leaving now]

The teacher left me alone with my delusional classmates who thought I was at fault.

[Great now I have to cancel my date]

They were complaining.

[I know right. I was planning to go and watch a movie]

Alot of complaints but I silently listened to them while waiting.


The bell rang and I fled from class as soon as possible.

While walking home I thought about the test.
I haven't done much homework and haven't focussed much on class but it wouldn't be much difficult because it's only been five days of school. I don't know why they were freaking about about the test.

As soon as I got home I didn't change nor I ate I just went straight to my room, it took me thirty minutes but now I'm well prepared.

[ it's game time now]

I took out a VR headset and a game called " Real life Apocalypse" the name sounds weird but it's a well known game.

Suddenly a sound came from somewhere.

[ Son! Come down it's time to eat]

Really, now?
If I don't play now I'll lose my ranking and most importantly my secret quests.

[You have five minutes, if a second late then that junk is out of the house]

Dang it who told her about the VR headset. Anyway its survival was more important than my progress.

[Just a second I'm coming]

I ran down the stairs while being careful but when I arrived downstairs there was a sight to behold.

[Mom, you called me to eat right?]

[Yes, but why are you asking]

[There's nothing on the table]

In other words it was empty. Not a single grain could be seen.

[Just a minute its almost done]

I should have logged in. But nothing I can do now. After the food was set on the table I started to eat the hot food without even stopping, it hurt but I can't lose my hard earned progress.

After a moment my mother sat in front of me not eating, she looked at me with her obsidian black eyes and a sad smile.

Next moment what she said was unexpected.

[ Son what do you think of death?]

Huh? What? That question doesn't match the current atmosphere. Was she hiding something?

[Why do you ask mother?]

She looked straight into my eyes, maybe understanding what I was thinking.

[Because it's time to wake up now]

Tuckh.... tuckh...tuckh.....

A sound like an old train? My vision slowly blurred and my eyelids shut. I felt a sharp pain in my head.

When I opened my eyes my mother was gone, the food was nowhere to be found, silence filled my ears. Next thing I noticed I was sitting alone at the six person table.

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