Episode 1 What's happening?(3)

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While I was thinking about the blue holographic window in front of me. I saw a strange figure coming down from the broken roof.

At first it wasn't visible as to who or what they were but after a moment you could guess that they were looking for something.

I could see their moving silhouette, hurriedly looking for something. It seemed like they were going through the stuff that fell to the ground. The noises coming from their direction indicated that they were talking to themselves, but started looking around again. They went on for a couple of minutes.

[What are they doing?]

I couldn't figure out what they were doing. At first it looked like they were finding something but then they stopped, Vanishing into thin air. Maybe because of the bed, my field of vision had become too limited that I didn't see them move around?

[Where did they go?]

I spoke as low as I could. But then...

The bed above me flew towards the cracked wall resulting in it's fall. The silhouette of the person soon became clear.

While I layed on the cold floor I gazed up only to find a woman as tall as me staring at me.

Her long black hair stood still even though the wind blew. You could tell by looking at her well shaped waist and her mascular arms that She was a person who had been working on their body for a long time. Her deep wide eyes looked at me as though they were looking at me but not looking at me at the same time.

But then... the woman grabbed the back of my collar and lifted me up in the air. She looked strong, but how strong should a person be to lift another person?

While looking like a puppy who someone just picked up from the streets I too stared at her.

[Who the hell are you?]


[I asked, who are you?]

At first glance she looked like someone really polite but that wasn't the case, but how should I respond to her question? I didn't know myself who I was.

She looks really strong from the way she was lifting me, Should I take the risk into questioning her back?

[Are you looking for someone?]

She glared at me. Feeling as my heart skipped a beat I took the risk again before anything else happened.

[I can help you if you want, I'm pretty useful.]

In reality I wasn't. I don't remember anything that can make me a person considered useful, but I had to get some help in order to complete my 'Personal quest'.

My answer was pretty blank but I couldn't think of any thing other to say, I waited for a few seconds for her to speak, but there was no reply from this woman, maybe she had a 'Personal quest' similar to mine or she didn't have any, there wasn't any way of knowing.

Then she spoke as she looked quite troubled.

[Whoever you are, you shouldn't be here]

What's that supposed to mean? Was she supposed to meet someone here? but this is my house.

[Sorry but this is my house, maybe your mistaken, but if you want I can look around for you.]

This only made the woman's grip on my collar more tighter. If this continues I will die from just choking.

The woman opened her mouth only to say an unfamiliar name.

[Where's Jae Seon?]


[A man with two swords on his back, where is he?]

I didn't know who she was taking about. Even if I knew I wouldn't be able to remember.

[Sorry I don't know who that is and where they are.]

The woman griped my shirt tighter ripping the collar of my shirt and making me fall towards the floor. She angrily kicked me in the torso which threw me towards the wall, some blood came out of my mouth and causing me to experience horrible pain.

She slowly came closer, as I supported my back against the wall, she came and sat on her legs in front of me.

[How did you get in this house?!]

She yelled, how do I calm her down?. She won't listen to a word I say without hitting me.

While still enduring the pain I answered her.

[I came back from school and ate with my mother, next thing I knew I was here.]

It was the truth, but I felt like I can't tell her about the other stuff that happened in between.

[Where's Jae Seon?]

Again with that question.

[I already told you I don't know who or where he is]

[This is his house]

Was this woman's hearing bad, or was she crazy? Anyway I have no choice but to answer her or I'll be experiencing a pain far more worse than before.

[If you can tell me more in detail maybe I could figure out who that person is]

Well, in reality I couldn't because I didn't have any memory of the Past.

The woman rested her chin on her hand and thought for a moment before speaking.

[He is different each time the 'First quest' begins. He only has two swords which accompany him each time.]

That was a vague way of describing a person. I can't answer her with a question again. I had to deceive her.
After thinking about it for a few seconds I replied.

[I have a vague idea who that person is.]

I didn't.

The woman stood up and walked towards me, slowly taking her steps she stopped at what seemed to be a safe distance from me. Why was she doing that after beating me up?

I could then feel a strange aura emitting from the woman as she opened her mouth.

[Tell me where that excuse of a person is!]

I couldn't stand the pressure coming from her and saw my vision blurred for a moment. This woman is crazy strong.

[I don't really have his exact location but I have a 'Personal quest' which may lead to him.]

It looked like she calmed down after hearing me but the pressure was still being felt.

She took some time before speaking again.

[Tell me what are the contents of your 'quest']

If I tell her the original contents of my 'quest', there's a high chance she'll kill me right now.

[It says.]

I took a deep breath before continuing.

[It says, ' you will find someone strong who'll play a considerable role in your life. But first you have to gather strong companions, Only then yours and their wishes will be granted.]

My explanation seemed so absurd that it even made me a little embarrassed.

The woman looked at me as if she didn't understood what I meant. Well yes I would do the same if I heard those words from someone I was interrogating.

[Umm, should I repeat myse-]

[No, no need for that.]

She didn't let me finish but that was good. It looked like she was in deep thought, she slightly opened her cherry colored lips and asked me something that made cold sweat run down my neck. It was the same question she asked me in the beginning but rephrasing it.

[Boy, What's your name?]

What was my name?

An Unnamed storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt