"I apologize that I can't sympathize with what you are feeling for your family as I don't know what it's like to have one. But I'm sure of this, with the way they raised you, kind and loveable, beautiful and strong. They must've really love you too. Just like I love you, all of you Yaesoon. I'm here for you though I doubt I'll be enough to temporarily fill the space for your family in your chest. I'm always here for you."

Touched by his words, I hugged him tightly to me burying my crying face to his neck.

"Thank you...thank you for being here with me. I really love you too, all of you. Your enough to fill the emptiness I felt missing my family, and the moment I accepted you as my mate, is the moment you became my family in this world Curtis."

We fell asleep clinging to each other.

The next day resuming our search, we finally found them. Looks like we just arrived in time, seeing that they are removing the traces of them camping here. Noticing that they have four females with them, shaking like they experienced something traumatizing, they must've been rescued by these males. So they didn't just trade for salt, females too.

Alerting them of our presence seems like a bad idea, but I wanted to get this over with. My mate is a feral, I'm sure we don't have the same opinion in negotiating peacefully. Besides I won't let them hurt Curtis, I'll break their bones if they did.

Glancing around the group I saw the fluffiest white big cat I ever seen in my life. So cute...will it mind if I touched its paws or scratch its ears. No! Get a hold of yourself this isn't the time for admiring cat. We're here for the salts.

Curtis grabbed my arm so I looked at him. He whispered into my ears that the white tiger is the strongest among the group of Beastmen. He's a Tetra marked like him, though you can't see it I can notice the impressed voice behind his words. Then we will make a deal with that cat. He seems like the leader of the trade.

I said to my snake man that we shouldn't alert them of our presence yet. We will wait until the cat is alone, to led him away from the group. So no interruptions can hinder our mission. I sound like I'm planning to kidnap the big cat, maybe a little.

We shadowed them, not noticing our presence but the white tiger is starting to sense us sneaking around. It's intentional, to grab his attention.

As expected he immediately get into action to not alert the group of potential enemies, with the females still tired and wary beside them, he growled something to a wolf Beastman before sprinting to the woods. Wow he's confidence is amazing. Deciding to face the enemies alone like that seems idiotic but seeing how he have four marks in his possession. It seems he wanted to get this over with like us. I like it.

Naturally we followed after him until he stopped far enough from the position of the group. Who continue to march back to the City of Beasts. He intended to move himself away to lure us huh.

Facing with his back to us, ears twitching when he heard our presence. Growling dangerously he slowly turn to face us. Startled seeing my form, his tiger eyes slightly widen scanning my body from head to toe, pupils dilated. He backed away unconsciously, front paw raise in his chest. That was really cute, he looks like a startled cat for a moment. Then he saw who was beside me and he's back to fierce cat mode and bared his teeth at Curtis. They both released Beast pressure facing each other.

Are they done measuring dicks? I'm still here you two. I cleared my throat but they still continue their glaring contest that I'm starting to get pissed.
I stomped the ground loud enough to startled them both, and turned their heads in my direction in sync. Good, the ground didn't break.

"Are you two quite done staring at each other? You big cat, don't threaten my snake man like that. We're mated to each other and yes he didn't force me to be with him. So can we all calm down now? Okay, we're here to trade for salt. Your the leader of the trade right?"

He's staring at me intently. Then Curtis hissed at him and he snaps out of his trance. Bowing his head, his body glowed signalling the transformation to man. I hurriedly averted my eyes to not accidentally peep at other man beside my mate.

I heard someone clearing their throat, it's okay to look now. And my my what a hunk he is. His hair is just like the color of his beast form, wavy white hair long enough to reach his shoulders. He also have a scar slashing his eye, that added to his cool and sexy appearance.

"Female I apologize for my actions earlier. I'm Winston of the tiger tribe, I lead the trade this season. You can come with me to the City of Beasts to trade salt. Your mate can come with you even if he's a feral."

His voice is hot too, he have domineering presence but he has a gentle demeanor in him.

I turn to Curtis who have a strange expression to his face like he's deeply thinking about something while looking at Winston.

I hope he's not murdering him in his mind.

Herculean Strength (Slow Update)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz