Chapter 2

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The iron gates of a large mansion were closed but whoever looked at the mansion could not ignore its beauty even at early dawn it looked magnificent. The mansion was a mixture of modern and royal theme situated in the posh area of Delhi.

The people who lived in this mansion also couldn't be ignored they were the talk of town they were the Rathore's they were the most influential family in the country that often made appearances in newspaper headlines whether that be for business achievement or great fashion. They had authority in every field of work.

The most talked member of this family was their eldest grandson Ekaansh Singh Rathore who has achieved the tag of one of the 10 most successful businessmen in the country with his hard work and dedication.

He made his way to the top without any influential support and built his empire at the age of 23. He made a name for himself and was often characterized in media as a ruthless person for his crucial way of work anyone who had tried to be a hindrance to his empire was immediately destroyed by him.

He was also known for not being seen with a woman many people had made various theories of this handsome billionaire being single which made his grandmother worried she wanted him to get settled in life and stop living life like a robot work work.......

Even in the early dawn, the person who was awake in the mansion was Lucifer aka Ekaansh who was busy in a meeting with his foreign delicates he surely knew nothing other than work but lately there had been one more thing concerning him was his marriage he surely wanted to run away from it but he knew he couldn't see his granny upset as she was not keeping well from last few days and he didn't want to worsen it.

He willingly or unwillingly has to marry the woman his grandma choose . Kavya Sharma was the woman that his grandma selected for him she thought she was the perfect match for him she even believed that woman would be able to change him OOH how he wanted to say to his granny this woman won't be able to change him no one could and that gold digger surely won't do he knew that woman in and out he wanted to show her true colors how much she was hungry of the Rathore title and the fame it carried but he was just waiting for a perfect time when he could reveal her truth and also his granny would stop pestering him about this topic after.


The meeting was finally over and he got one of the projects for which he had been working hard for the past few days. He wanted to get everything sorted out before that marriage drama everything would be one and over. She thought she could deceive me with her lousy plan but nothing could be hidden by me just wait till marriage day he will make sure that Kavita sees hell and after that dadi would also stop pestering me.

It's still early for everyone to be awake but for him, it's time for his daily routine which starts with 2 hour workout in the gym located in their house. The gym had rock music played for exercise and it was fully equipped.

After his exercise, he made his way to his room to freshen up his room was huge with a combination of white and gold he wasn't a fan of dark colors he liked more subtle colors.

In that room near his bed slept Ekaanshpt.2, his dog named Sage. When people said that dogs tend to behave like their owners was true that same was the case with sage he carried the same personality as Ekaansh he loved to be alone and hated unknown human. He would start barking at them as soon as he sees them. One more thing common between them was dislike towards Kavita as soon as she stepped foot in their house, he started barking at her and tried to bite from that poor soul who was terrified to enter the Rathore mansion again.

He knew by now his Dadi, Dada, and Chachi would be awake soon everyone would be awake and be ready at the dining table and again he had to listen to the annoying discussion of his marriage which was decided to happen next week he remembered how much of a difficult task to make his Dadi agree to keep a private wedding with only close people and no media so the drama won't spread and cause any damage to his company's reputation.

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