Chapter 5| Unveiling Their Destiny

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Do you believe in destiny? It is something that one is bound to do; it can't be evaded. Everyone is tied to follow what is written in it whether it  involves some unexpected events or meeting someone.

Today's events will create a huge impact on the lives of two people. Both of them are unknown towards their Destiny. One is desperately trying to change it and the other is scared of encountering it. These two people are Ekaansh and Samaira

The Rathore mansion is bustling today as the eldest grandson of the family is going to get married. Everyone seems to be in a rush today except the groom who is busy with his work even on his wedding day he seems to give more priority to his work. He is irritated with every going around him but he knows he just needs to have patience till evening and he will get freedom from this topic forever, he is sure that the plan he has made will be successful by any means he won't marry anyone even he had to do anything he just hopes everything goes according to his plan. If only he knew destiny was planning something else for him beyond his imagination.

There were a few guests invited who were close to Rathore and they had started arriving at the Rathore mansion as it was 1 in the afternoon right now and the wedding was supposed to start at 6 in a banquet which was an hour's distance from Rathore mansion. Roy being their closest associate had also arrived there but their children weren't present Ishita wanted Ishaan and Samaira to meet the Rathore before all the chaos both of them refused to join them now and promised to arrive at the venue at 5 this made her a little disappointed she wanted her kids meet the Rathore who played a big role in the union of Rudra and her.


Meanwhile, on the other side, Samaira was sleeping peacefully without any care for the world not knowing what surprise the future holds for her. As today was Sunday she wanted to compensate for the whole week's sleep that she couldn't catch up on due to work. The sleeping angel started stirring from her sleep signaling that she was going to wake up soon and finally, she opened her beautiful Bambi eyes satisfied with her sleep.

She walked towards the washroom to get ready for today as the time for the wedding was getting closer it was 2 in the afternoon and she knew by the time she finished getting ready it would be time for the wedding.  She knew if Ishaan got ready before her would start fussing her to hurry and today she wanted to look pretty so she had to start now.

  She knew if Ishaan got ready before her would start fussing her to hurry and today she wanted to look pretty so she had to start now

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

She wore the dress that her mom had strictly ordered a pink colored with little embroidery work on it simple but modest her style. She decided to make a bun of her waist-length curly hair because she didn't have the patience and talent to style it the only hairstyle she knew was a ponytail or a bun because all her life her Dadi had tied her hair she loved her lot thinking about her always made her sad as she passed away but her dad never also told to remember dadi with a happy face rather than sad and he took all the duties of her dadi which have spoiled her and she never learned to style them but after a lot of struggle she managed to tie them in a pretty bun. Next was makeup which she was an expert and loved to do today she opted for light makeup to match her look and with a pair of high heels she was ready.

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