Chapter 23

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a.n: Another update. Anyway, have fun ;)

Let me know your thoughts!


-The Lines-

The day felt festive as it welcomed the arrival of the noblest Hay Den. Perhaps the celebration was grander because of the lavish golds that the Hay Den brought to the humble Norfalk Village.

All eyes were fixed upon the Hay Den, the undeniable center of attention.

As they stood there, bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun, their noble countenance was a sight to behold. It was as if the Gods and Goddesses themselves had bestowed upon them a divine gift, for their appearance was nothing short of extraordinary.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the village, the air was filled with an air of excitement. The villagers had gathered together to welcome a distinguished guest, their hearts brimming with anticipation. Laughter and chatter filled the air as they reveled in the joyous occasion. 

Amidst the bustling crowd, two figures sat side by side, their eyes fixed on the festivities unfolding before them. 

In the midst of a heavy silence, Karis finally mustered the courage to break the tension that hung in the air. "I'm sorry," she began, her voice laced with hesitation, "for the way I raised my hand against you, for the pain I caused." 

Her eyes flickered towards Bulan, her gaze lingering on her bruised lips. The vivid marks stood out against her pale complexion, a stark reminder of the forceful slap she had given.

After a moment of silence, Bulan replied uninterestedly without looking back at Karis. "It's fine,"

'And this hurt is nothing compared to what you did to my daughter when you stabbed her and tore out her eyes.' Bulan clenched her fist secretly. 

Once more, a heavy silence settled between them, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air. 

Einar approached with purpose in this moment of quiet contemplation. Einar closed the gap with measured steps, his presence commanding attention. As he approached them, he gently took their hands in his, intertwining their fingers in a powerful gesture.

"Papa!" Karis was stunned, and her unease was visible on her face.

"You two lovers look so depressed; why don't you both dance with the villagers?" Einar joked.

"Come on, Karis. Ask for the lady for a dance," Yon joined the conversation, as he noticed Einar's intention. Einar must have noticed the gloomy atmosphere between Karis and Bulan and was hoping to mend their relationship.

After all, they are going to get married soon. 

"But..." Karis was hopeless with her fathers. She really didn't want to waste her time, dancing with Bulan. As she was on guard, making sure that Romulus will not come.

However, her thought was interupted when Bulan grasped her hand. 

With a mischievous glint in her Scarlet eyes, Bulan leaned in closer, her voice barely above a whisper, "Let's not disappoint and destroying everyone's mood, shall we?" 

Karis was initially filled with annoyance, her brows furrowing and her lips pursing in frustration. However, as she glanced around, she couldn't help but notice the numerous pairs of curious eyes that were fixated on the two of them. 

Her eyes also spotted her little sister, who was putting on a dramatic performance trying to escape from Yon's clutches.

Right. If she denies Bulan right now, the festival mood will be ruined. Einar will be sad as well.

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