Chapter 6

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Karis is lying down on the wild, beautiful flowers. The sun warmed her heart as she gazed out into the sky with her emerald eyes. Nevertheless, she was plotting behind the scenes while it seemed all was calm.

"First things first, let's begin by making a list of those names." 

Grandpa Edan. Bulan's grandfather, Emperor Qaedel. Romulus and its Askran people. These damn people are to blame for the total destruction of the Den Tribe.

It might started with Romulus. He, was connected to Papa Einar. He was a total maniac, an obsessive bastard. The reason he destroyed the Den Tribe was because of Papa Einar.

Once again, Romulus couldn't have done it without the support of Bulan and Emperor Qaedel. The Askran and Romulus would have no chance against the Den Tribe without this outside assistance. Furthermore, the Askran wouldn't be able to cross the border into Qaedel-Den if the Qaedel hadn't allowed the march.

Grandpa Edan comes second. Because of my filthy blood, he loathed me with all of his heart. Although I didn't show any interest in becoming his successor, but he still loathed me. That was why he used his power to erase everyone's memories of me after I had just married Bulan.

Not only that, he put me into a slumber. Not content with that, my sister Aiken, who was back then known as Medeia, perished when she used too much power to reverse the spell.

Afterwards, Edan used my baby and forcibly transformed her into Aiken and took her identity. Possibly out of guilt or to avoid blame for my sister's death. He then altered everyone's memories, making it look perfect, before he died.

Emperor Qaedel comes in third, before Bulan completed the lists of those who betrayed my tribe. 

This old knucklehead. To be honest, up until now I have no idea why he would force his precious granddaughter to marry me. Was it because of the wealth and prestige that come with marrying me? 

That is, once again, absurd. What else could he gain from the Den Tribe? Didn't they already have the status of Empire?  Was it because he was a greedy man? But if he was a greedy man, why doesn't he just keep me alive and use me to the fullest?

Maybe, it was because of his pride? Perhaps it was more tolerable for him to let me marry Bulan than to allow his precious one and only granddaughter to be with a commoner.

Or, was it because he thought that his precious granddaughter... Loved me?

But... In the first place, Bulan never loved me. I believed that she married me due to her duty as the Qaedel's eldest princess. 

She married me for the wealth and prestige of the Den tribe. She even willing to sacrifice her body, and her happiness, for the sake of her own empire.

While, in truth, she was actually in love with another man. That other man, who later she finally married after finally getting rid of me.

How could I forget how much she seemed to enjoy having that man devour her body? She was clearly enjoying herself more with him than I recall from our first night together.


She even felt disgusted that she used to be with a woman. A woman who has the same thing as the man.

But why... Why did she choose to have Medeia? Was it because she wanted to use Medeia to gain control of the entire Den Tribe's wealth?

But that is completely ridiculous. Didn't she eventually abandon Medeia? Didn't she eventually let Qaedel wrap Medeia in the slave cloth and let the man who clearly despised me decide the fate of such a helpless baby?

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