Chapter 21

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a.n: two updates for my beloved readers! before we see each other again this 7 or 8 October!

Okay, so what do you think? 

Are you Team Karis or Team Bulan?

Suddenly i'm curious to know...


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"Princess Bulan!" Hann called out to Bulan with a joyful tone.

Bulan glanced at Hann, who was calling for her. Her peaceful expression quickly soured upon seeing Karis, who was following closely behind Hann.

Bulan lightly adjusted her expression and then flashed a bright smile at Karis.

"Karis! You already—"

Before she knew it, Karis was already standing in front of her.

Her towering figure cast a shadow over her. The way she stood, with an air of confidence and authority, sent a shiver down her spine. Though she was comfortably seated, the mere presence of this imposing figure made her feel small and vulnerable.

"What are you doing?" Karis stopped her, with an aloof tone. She stared at Bulan with a cold, indifferent gaze. 

Bulan paused, her breath catching in her chest as she took a moment to collect herself. The weight of the question hung in the air, demanding a thoughtful response. With a steadying breath, she finally spoke, her voice measured and deliberate.

"I'm looking after these adorable children, because their parents are working to prepare foods for today—"

"Uwahhhh," The baby on her arms crying, causing Bulan to startled. 

The baby was desperate to grab Bulan's chest, but Karis grabbed the baby before Bulan could react.

"Hush... You are hungry aren't you? But the Princess is not your mother. She can't feed you with that thing." Karis murmured softly, her arms cradling the baby with tender care. 

A tender moment washed over Karis as she ready to hand the baby over to its mother. Her gaze lingered on the baby, a gentle smile on her lips as Medeia appeared through her mind.

'I wonder if Medeia acts like this baby when she's hungry? That arrogrant brat, most likely would not. If I had the opportunity to look after her when she was a baby, I would make her beg for it,' 

Bulan was controlling her emotion from going rampage, when she watched the tenderness from Karis face when she held the baby. It was so different from what she witnessed during that night.

'For someone who kill her own children without batting an eye,' Bulan's temples throbbed with rage. 

"Thank you Princess Bulan for taking care of my baby, I will handle her right now." Before leaving with her children, the mother gave a quick bow. After receiving the signal from its Head Villager Hann, she made way for Bulan and Karis.

"Oh! and I believe I must lend a hand in preparing the delightful feast for tonight too!" Hann declared, hastily excusing himself from the conversation and leaving with a sense of reason.

After all, he could sense the obvious air of indifference that hung between Karis and Bulan. And he doesn't want to disrupt their moment.

Bulan responded with a smile as she watched them walk away. Clearly undertand that they wanted to give space for her and Karis.

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