🖤🧸 ~20~ 🧸🖤

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Morning came.   I slowly shifted in bed,  yelping at the pain from last night.   Metallic clinking nearby brought my attention to Nightmare,  but in his animatronic form.
"I probably went too hard huh.."
I shook my head and smiled.  "I have off today,  so it won't be an issue."
He slowly came over to my bedside, hesitating before gently taking my small hand into his big hands.   "My strength is faltering,  so I have to conserve power."
I yawn and carefully stretch.  "It's ok Nightmare,  I don't mind.   I like both versions of you."   My eyes close and I hum,  feeling drowsy from the warmth my bed provided.   "If you say so."  He said an stayed in the position, holding my hand for a while.

"Your fur is soft and a little fluffy."
I smile a little,  enjoying the comfort of his hands.   "Mmm.  I never thought of myself as feeling soft or fluffy."  He mumbled,  but flushed a little at the thought.  He would cuddle me if he could,  but he has a very functional second mouth with teeth peaking out on his tummy.   
"Get sleep Y/n,  I'll keep watch over the house."   Before I fully succumbed to unconsciousness memories of my first time here,  meeting Goldie and almost pissing myself from everyone else.  I have no idea why these memories came up,  but I felt peaceful as I watched them like a movie.
The sound of Nightmare's eyelids blinking and metallic clinking faded as a dreamless sleep came over me.

Nightmare Pov

Y/n's breathing became slow and even,  an indicator that she/he's unconscious.   I set down her/his small and delicate hand so that I could patrol the house,  I have to be careful to not wake her/him though.   Everything within me has been screaming at me save her/him.  From what?  I could easily take Afton,  but there is something else to it.   My second mouth growled in protest as I stood in the living room,  I has a bit of a mind of its own.
"I know,  now shut up."   A grumble was it's only response,  giving me a chance to look out the windows.    Why do I feel like she'll/he'll disappear between my fingertips any moment?  

Wait,  Y/n said my fur was soft.   I have no fur.   I look at my hands and see a translucent coat of fur.   When did that get there?  I'm supposed to be a smooth husk on top of an endoskeleton.   Is this part of the bond?   I'll need to look into this.

It's short,  more like a filler.  But it has important looore,  ooowoowoo~👻

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