🖤🧸 ~13~🧸🖤

331 6 29

For Shadowfreddy61577

"An a attachment?"
"Yes an attachment... I don't know exactly how I feel about it." His eyes roamed around the area, avoiding mine as much as possible. I shifted and knelt on my knees so that I was head to shoulder with him, making me look up at him. When he looked back his eyes widened in shock. I half expected him to turn away, but he only stared back fully zoned into my gaze. Neither of us could look away, both of us stuck in a trance. His golden eyes held me in their shining grip, I just want to reach out and...

"NIGHTMAAAARE! I CAN SENSE Y/N HERE!" Nightmare flinched at the very audible shout from Goldie.
"I've been found out, time to run."
He didn't move yet as he still hasn't looked away from me, hesitating to make a break for it. That was, until heavy footsteps and a massive animatronic Goldie was bounding toward us. In a split second I felt two hearts pick up their pace. Mine.....
And Nightmares. Especially when he out of nowhere smashed his soft, luscious lips onto mine. It was really short, but I could feel every inch of his lips and tongue as well as where his hands were placed on my shoulder and cheek. A cold sensation took over those places as he sped off in animatronic form.

I melted as I lay in the chaise, savouring the feeling I just experienced. My ex's are nothing compared to that beast. I want that again and again, until my lips are chapped.
My heart still racing, I forced myself up and went in the direction of the replica house.
I collapse into my bed, sighing in delight.
"He must've banged you good." The snicker that came from Plushtrap reminded me that he was still here. "Oh not yet but I wish he did."

I woke up to it being 5pm, I passed out at 2 so I got a 3 hour nap. Sweet.
So.... What do I do now?



I screamed at the fact that Nightmare popped his head out from the end of my bed.


He stood up and GAW DAMN HE FINE AS A FULL ON HUMAN. He's got lip and eyebrow piercings, earrings, tattoos on his strong arms, rings and painted nails. (Outfit provides up top, you're welcome my fabulous thirsty simps😘)
He rushed over to my desk and tried but couldn't pick up one of the pencils, running over to the full height mirror I had on the wall. His fingers tangled into his long hair, finding it pulled into a half up.
"Mother of all dreams what have I done.... "
He reached his hand out to the mirror, watching as it phased right through.

"This wasn't supposed to happen, was the kiss to much?" He turned back to me, confusion and frustration very evident.
"If this continues then something is definitely wrong. Let's say this does proceed, then I am only visible and audible to you. You can't talk to me in public, period unless you're positive you're physically alone. I need to figure out what's going on." "Do you.. Regret that kiss?"
He shook his head. "No I don't regret it, I just wasn't expecting this to happen. There must be a reason." He went to touch me, but again phased right through me sending a chill through my leg where he tried.
"That tickles." I said and giggled at the way it felt. His cheeks flushed a little while he looked away.

"I better get my physical form back if I come with you back to the dream realm."

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