#27 - Not Quite Himself

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To My Readers, 

I apologize for the long waits again, I hope to get more on track with posting and hopefully finish up this story, I do hope you will check out some of my other MHA fanfics as well. I hope you've been enjoying so far. :))


Finally, it was time for internships. You had been accepted to work with Present Mic, which was to your surprise.
One day on the fields, you and Mic got caught up in a downtown fight where you were paired with Hawks and Tokoyami. The villain's quirk was unknown, and you tried to calm down bystanders. You had your back turned from the battle as you tried to calm a young girl down so she would come with you to safety.

"Come on, hun- I promise I'll help find your mom - just please. It isn't safe to stay here -"

She nodded, and you picked her up. You turned to get out of the way.

"Yn!" Tokoyami yelled, you froze in surprise. Seeing the villain shoot something at you, you turned to try and protect the girl.
When nothing hit you, you looked back to see Tokoyami had taken the hit.
You panicked but remembered you still held the terrified little girl. You hurried and stopped when the girl squealed and a woman came forward in tears. You set the girl down, and she bolted into the woman's arms. The woman thanked you. You smiled and turned to run back to Tokoyami.

You crouched beside him, "Fumikage!?" You said in a panicked, "Dark Shadow? Are you guys ok?"
Tokoyami shifted, his cape shifting and fell from his face. Your eyes grew wide, and you screamed, falling back on your butt in surprise.

Fumikage looked at you with confused, "Is- it bad -"

Hawks landed in a small panic. "I heard a scream what's going -" He saw Tokoyami and stepped back in shock. "My feathers..."

"I feel off..." Fumikage muttered.

"No shit kid- your face is gone -" Hawks said a little too casually.

Fumikage's eyes widened, "Excuse me?" He touched his face and started to freak out. "What's going on!? Where's my beak? My feathers -"

You started to gain some more composer, "It's alright Fumikage- we- we can figure this out -"

Tokoyamis face paled, "...dark Shadow- DARK SHADOW COME OUT-" A panick rose in him as he realized his life-long friend was nowhere to be found "Dark Shadow!"

You and Hawks shared a look, and he spoke quietly. "I'll let the agencies know you both are out of commission - for a while -"

You nodded and went to Tokoyami, and you took his now- human face in your hands. Which felt extremely strange. You met his eyes and smiled. "Your eyes are still such a brilliant red-"

Tokoyami froze in surprise and confusion. He met your eyes. He relaxed as tears filled his eyes, "It's so lonely with her gone..."

You brought him into a tight hug, not moving as he cried. You started to tear up, just worried about him.
Eventually, you had to head back to UA. He seemed so unsure and scared, gently you took his cape and lifted it to cover his head like a hood. He smiled softly and spoke quietly. "Thank you -"

As you headed back into the school, he reached out and grabbed your hand. Other students eyed him with the cloak as you walked past with Mic in front of you both.

Once in the med bay, you shut the door and closed the blinds. You then took a seat next to the bed as Recovery Girl checked out Tokoyami. He wouldn't let go of your hand as she asked him questions.
After that, she pulled Mic into the hallway while they spoke. You looked over to Tokoyami, and he sat staring at the floor. You gently squeezed his hand, and he looked to you.

"How are you doing?" You said softly.

"I'm... it's too quiet -" He muttered.

You sighed gently, looking at him. A small idea crossed your mind, and you pulled out your phone, clicking on the playlist Tokoyami had created for you.

Meteor Shower by CaveTown started to play. You watched a small smile creep onto his face. He whispered to you, "Thank you, darling....."

"Anything for you hun-"

You both sat quietly, and you shifted to the bed and sat beside him. He leaned his head on your shoulder as he rubbed his thumb over your knuckles.

Mic walked back into the room with Recovery Girl. He had a soft smile. He sat down on a chair and spoke to you both.
"We managed to capture the villain that created this mess. The bad news is that it will take a bit to figure this out. The good news is that this isn't permanent."

Both you and Tokoyami let out a huge sigh of relief, a tear slipping down his face.
You smiled and pressed your forehead to his, whispering softly. "Told you this would be alright -"

Tokoyami chuckled, "I should listen to you more often -"

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