26 - Giggle Fits

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AN : I am so so sorry for such long gaps in posting- I started writing over summer and as school hit again I couldn't find the energy to keep writing. I'll do my best to keep posting at some point-

You heard Kiri whispering down the hall, "Yn?"

You whispered back, "Over here-" 

He walked in and looked at Tokoyami passed out, "You escaped us to cuddle with your boyfriend? Wow Yn-"

"Hey- watch it. I have pictures of your death grip on your boyfriend this morning- and I didn't plan this. I sat down and he came out- apparently dark shadow woke him at like 4:30 this morning and he wasn't able to actual sleep-"

"You took pictures?"

"Black mail is an important thing to have ya know-"

He pulled out his phone, and you heard the camera click. "You're right- totally is."

You tried to lightly chuckle, "You are such an ass- are the others still passed out?" 

"Bakugou and Kaminari are up right now- I was sent on a mission to find you and bring you back- But I feel kind of bad waking him-" 

"Right? I mean he's just so peaceful-" 

'Others are going to start getting up soon though..."

"Ya... I have a feeling him especially would not live down being cute and cuddly-" You looked at Tokoyami, feeling bad for having to wake him. "Wait- what time is it?"

"Uhhh 7ish- why?" 

"oh.... well- that would be why every joint in my body hurts." You looked up at Kiri, "I've been here since at least 6-"

"Holy crap Yn-" 

"The sunrise was nice though-" 

"I am so bringing this up at your wedding-" 

You coughed and choked, 'Excuse me?!" You said a bit louder than you meant to as you blushed. 

Tokoyami shifted and groaned, sitting up groggily. A good portion of his feathers sticking up in all sorts of directions.

Kiri started snickering at the scene, "Have a good nap man?"

Tokoyami nodded and blinked a few times looking around confused. "Where..."

You giggled, "You're in the common room on the floor-"

He stared at you for a moment and smiled slightly, "You looked stunning in this light-"

You blushed deeply at the sudden comment, and Kiri burst out laughing, sinking to his knees. 

Which seemed to click something in Tokoyami's brain that he was awake. He looked to Kiri then back to you, more feathers poofed out. "Oh dear-"

Which made Kiri laugh more, he was holding his stomach with tears in his eyes. He was just wheezing at this point. "Oh god! I am never forgetting that!" 

"You aren't a morning person are you?" You asked Tokoyami.

He shook his head no, "I most definitely am not..."

It was a while before you got Kiri to stop laughing, Tokoyami headed back for his dorm and you apologized for Kiri. 

Kiri was finally catching his breath as you entered your dorm. 

Kaminari looked at you both, "Where'd you find them?" He asked Kiri. 

 You looked at Kiri, who was holding back his laughter so hard he was turning red. He covered his mouth with his hand and started snickering. 

"Kiri I swear to god if you start laughing again-"

"I'm not!" His voice came out high pitched, which made him laugh. 

You started chuckling before you cackling with him. All of your friends giving you concerned looks. 

Both you and Kiri were laying on the floor giggling, holding your stomachs. 

"What are you two still laughing at?" Mina asked, having been woken by the loud laughter. 

"I don't even know!" You said before you and Kiri started to laugh again. 

"I think they took something-" Sero suggested. 

You wheezed loudly and Kiri snorted- which only lead to you both laughing even more. 

Eventually you both stopped laughing enough to function and got ready for school. But the whole day turned into giggling fits at random moments. Even during training when Mic was speaking about what was going to happen. 

"...stake outs came to be highly critical to hero work- for example when Aizawa and I do a stake out mission...."

You and Kiri both made a face at that, which sent you into a fit of laughing. Trying to hold each other up. 

"What is going on?" Mic asked. 

Your friends shrugged, "They've been like this all day-" Mina said watching you and Kiri slowly sink to the floor. 

"We are pretty sure someone drugged them or something-" Sero said. 

"Ohh- It's a giggling kind of day. Alright then-" Mic just seemed to accept that and kept talking over you and Kiri trying to catch your breath. 

Aizawa sighed, clearly done with dealing with you both. 

You wheezed loudly- which made Mina started to giggle. Soon Kaminari followed, and the four of you were laughing loudly for no apparent reason. Sero and Bakugou stood watching, Sero shook his head with a smile. 

Bakugou just looked completely confused, "What the fuck is happening?!" 

"I can't breath!" You wheezed out between laughs.

"Class is still in session-" Aizawa demanded. 

"Just let them- there is no stopping this. It just spreads-" Mic said putting a hand on Aizawa's shoulder. 

Just as he said, more and more students started to chuckle and laugh. They weren't on the floor cackling like you guys were- but most of the class was laughing. 

As if on que- class 1B came in to do their training. They stared at the strange scene infront of them, the class laughing as a group of four layed on the floor laughing at absolutely nothing. 

Aizawa still gave you guys detention for causing training to come to a halt. You spent the afternoon cleaning the classroom with Kiri, Denki, and Mina. Humming along with music and mouthing the words. It wasn't a bad day at all. 

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