#21 - Secrets Spilled

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You set your stuff down inside your dorm quickly before storming back into the common room. Kaminari turned, and you made eye contact. You could tell he was showing Mina and Kirishima photos. Your eyes narrowed. He bolted.
You took off after him, both of you sprinting around the couches and other classmates.
"You should not be running in the dorms!" Iida called as we sprinted through the hall.

You eventually caught him. Hauling him back to the main room by his ear. Everyone was sitting around talking about their day and looking at the strange scene. You made him face Tokoyami, "Now, what do you say?"
"Do I have to?" You tugged on his ear harder, "Ow ow! Alright! I'm sorry for taking the photos after you asked me not to."
"Good! Now, don't do it again!" You let go, and he rubbed his ear.
You sat on the arm of the couch, happy with your victory. "What was that about?" Uraraka asked.
"Oh, nothing!"
Mina butted in, "Yn was totally passed out on the bus and was leaning on Tokoyami the whole time! It was totally adorable!"
You glared at her, and she covered her ears. "I was just tired, and Tokoyami was nice and doesn't mind me doing that."
Some of the girls glanced at each other with smiles. Kaminari commented, "And how would you know that already?"
With him next to you, you grabbed his ear again and pinched it.
"How do you know?"
"Are you two dating?"
"Has something happened?"
A bunch of different questions popped up. You felt your face heat up. You went to glance at Tokoyami for help, but he wasn't there.

"Uh, where did he go?"
"Don't avoid my questions!" Mina demanded.
"We are not dating." You said.
Kaminari rolled his eyes.
Uraraka popped in, "You two would look so cute together, though!"
"They would, wouldn't they?" Kaminari added, grinning.
You stared at him, "You know who loosk cute together?" You paused for dramatic effect. "You and-" Kaminari shot up and covered your mouth.
Everyone's attention quickly turned to his strange reaction.
"You and who?" Mina asked.
"Yn what do you know?" Kirishma added.
You tried to speak, but it wasn't understandable and came out muffled by Kaminaris hands.
Keeping your mouth covered, he started to back you both out of the room nervously away from the questions. "You know. I think we should really head to bed." He faked a yawn, "I don't think Yn is feeling so well."
You said that you were feeling fine, but it all came out muffled, so no one had a clue what you said.
He shocked you a bit, and you yelped and glared at him.

He moved much quicker when Mina started walking towards you both, asking what was going on. Followed by several classmates.
You kept muffle talking nonsense. Most weren't even related to the converation. You even started talking about waffles vs. pancakes and the pros and cons of each.
He got you both into the elevator alone and let you go.
"But you have the waffles little pockets to work with - oh! I can talk again."
"You have doomed us both."
"I have to take someone down with me, and you just happened to be pushing my buttons. Plus, I have the whole, your dating shinso dirt on you." You smiled at him.
"I can also tell them all about your crush on Tokoyami and about that little sleepover you had." You both stared each other down.
There was a small yelp, and you both jumped.

Koda stood quietly and clearly very nervous in the corner. How had neither of you noticed? There was a long moment of silence shared between all three of you. The doors opened, and he quickly slid out and hurried off. You and Kaminari looked at each other. Before following him.
"Koda! Look, you don't have to tell anyone what you heard, right?"
"Cause no one needs to know, it's not big."
You both pleaded, he opened his door and briefly nodded before shutting it quickly. 

"We really gotta watch what we say."
"Agreed." Kaminari nodded, "He won't say anything, right?"
"Nah... I hope not."

You heard the elevator ding, and you both looked. Mina, Kirishima, Uraraka, and Sero stood there.
"FOUND YOU!" Mina announced.
You both hurried into Kaminari's dorm.
They were banging on the door.
"No one's home!"
"Nice try!" Mina yelled back, "Start talking you two! How dare you leave me out of the tea!"
Kaminari looked at you, "We are so screwed..."


Tokoyamis POV

Kouda just messaged their group of himself, Sato, and Shoji.

Kouda :Yn and Kaminari mentioned a sleepover between Tokoyami and Yn.

Sato : That's news. What haven't you told us, dude!?

Shoji : Sleepover??

Tokoyami : It wasn't planned.

Sato : But it happened!? Bro!

Tokoyami : I do not see the concern, Yn needed a place to stay the night.

Shoji : 😐 You didn't think to tell us? What happened?

Kouda : Are you guys dating?

Sato : Did you two kiss or something?

Shoji : Tokoyami awnser us

Sato : You can't avoid this!

Tokoyami : We are not dating and did not kiss. They just stayed the night at my house.

No more messages came through, but Tokoyami heard the knocking on his door. Shoji and Sato were there, Kouda arrived after a few minutes.
The three boys made themselves comfortable in Tokoyamis' room.
Sato started, "Start talking."
"There is nothing to talk about. I said that they stayed the night, that is all."
Dark Shadow appeared excited, and Tokoyami immediately started to try and stop her from saying anything. "He!" Her mouth was covered.
"Tokoyami, are you hiding things from us?" Shoji asked.
"We need to know, dude!" Sato said with Kouda nodding along.
"It was nothing!" Tokoyami insisted.
Dark Shadow got out of his reach, "It was soooooo cute! They were outside under the stars, and he gave Yn his favorite sweater!"
"No, no, that did not happen." Tokoyami said out of breath.
"Yes, it did! And then they woke up cuddling!"
"Awww." Sato said, "There's no shame in it, dude! Just tell us, are you dating Yn?"
"No... I am not." Tokoyami sat defeated on his bed.

(TokayamiXReader) An Animals CallOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz