#18 - Closeted

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**Your POV**

Telling Denki Kaminari is a task of its self. The boy has no filter and rarely listens to what comes out of his own mouth. 

You ended up waking up much earlier than you wanted to, and sleep was not returning. So you slipped put of your dorm and over to Kaminaris. You knocked. Not a sound. It was  almost too quiet, knocking again there was a muffled voice and shuffling. You tried to quietly talk through the door, "Kaminari open the door- I've gotta talk to you."

There was a thud, snickers, a few more shuffles and the door opened. You slipped into his dorm and immediately started to talk, "OK, OK, I know it's way too early to be waking you up but I can't go back to sleep- and...." You trailed off looking at the blonde, "You don't even look like you just woke up-"

"Oh- umm, early training?" You gavehum an unbelieving look, "Hurry and talk, people are gonna get up and ask questions."

You scoffed and continued, "Fine, well, you know how I was matching with Tokoyami yesterday? Which wasnt either of our doing by the way- his mom did that without us realizing-" You started to pace and Kaminari sat on the edge of his bed legs crossed, "But the whole reason she was able to do that was because I had actually stayed over at his place the night before- all because a whole grandparents thing I don't wanna get into."

"Wait- you actually stayed at his house!?"

"Ya- keep up, not the big thing here"

"That isn't the big part? Excuse me?"

"We'll I'd tell you if you would let me sir." He stared and motioned for you to continue. "Alright so, since the whole stayed at his house was not a planned ordeal. I didn't pack actual pj's or clothes- cause apparently that's something I'm incapable of doing on quick notice. Anyways, so he actually landed me," You paused for a moment, "On of his shirts."

Kaminaris mouth fell open, "No- seriously?"

"Mhm! Oh! And we were having fun talking with dark shadow and all and then- oh my goodness- his backyard. Literal sanctuary daydream- God it reminded me so much of home..." You paused for a moment, " but we just payed in the grass for a while and looked at the stars- but then I got cold. And guess- guess what this man did!" You stopped pacing for a moment to look and Kaminari, waving your hands around.

"Did he-" He paused and grinned, "did he hand over a sweaterrrrrr~"

You nodded and the two of you freaked out for a moment, "OK ok- but I don't even remember being brought back in. I must have fallen asleep and I got brought in. But wanna know what I woke up to? Do you know what I woke up to?"

"Oh course I don't! Tell me or imma squeeze it out of you."

You composed yourself for a second, "I woke up- to his arms literally wrapped around me."

Kaminaris jaw dropped and he smiled with you, "bestie! Oh my God that's so cute!" He gasped, "You like him don't you!?"

"Uh- well I'm not sure..."

He gave you a look, "Why else did you come into my room, earl this morning, to freak out and gush about this man. Hm? Tell me."

You blinked a few times and sat down on the bed, "I like him don't I?"

"You didn't realize- mmmm you know I've been called dense my fair share but this-" He jesures vaguely, "This is dense."

"Shut it- its not like your doing much better with that Shinso hiding in the closest." You jesters your hand in that direction. Kaminari freezes and stares at you, "Holy shit, I was right!?" You stand and he stands with you to block your way.

"No- nonono- you are not right- no one is there."

Both of you started to shuffle back and forth as you tried to reach his closet. He gave you some small shocks as he jabbed your stomach and you put your hands up backing away to surrender. "Fine- fine. You win. There is not Shinso in your closet.

"Thank you- cause he isn't there-" He ushered you to the door, "now go back to your own room and think about your love life issues."

Just before he shut the door, "Alright I'm going, and good morning shinso~" A loud sneeze came from the room as you stared at Kaminari with a smile. Right as the door was quickly shut in your face.

You giggled to yourself about the whole thing as you walked back to your dorm.

Later you stood in the common room checking your phone and Kirishima let out a big sneeze, you smiled and stated, "My word, everyone's sneezing today." You glanced up over at Kaminari, who now was staring you down.

"Are they?" Kirishima asked, "I haven't been hearing anyone else today."

You shrugged, "Maybe it's just near me."

Once I training, Kaminari did not let you go without a few good shocks, and you were even on the same team.

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