#6 - Welcome To Hell

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Once the day was done you could feel the effects of needing to use your quirk on the training today. Your head dropped for a second and snapped back up, as you tried to pay attention to the last of the lesson.

The next thing you knew you were being woken up by Sero, "Hey- class ended you gotta get up."

A shock ran through your arm and you jolted up, Kaminari had his finger extended toward you with a nervous smile.

You glared and rubbed your eyes, when had you fallen asleep? You saw Tokoyami exit the door and guessed he didn't want to walk with you. Though why did that matter- it's not like it was a normal thing.

You stood and stretched, Kirishima gave you a strange look and also glanced at the last trace of Tokoyami leaving. He smiled at you, alright- this was getting a bit weird.

The four of you had been dispersing in the front of the building to go home when Kirishima didn't move from beside you looked at him, "You not going home?"

He gave you a toothy grin, "I guess you aren't curious about how you didn't slam your head on the desk." Kirishima shrugged and turned walking away.

You stared at him confused, "What?"

He turned his head and waved bye, "See you tomorrow Y/N!" You stood dumbfounded, what did that boy mean? You assumed that you had just ended up putting your head in your arms before passing out and didn't remember.

There was no point standing there thinking about it. You strolled around the corner and almost walked into Tokoyami leaning on the wall.

He cleared his throat, "Uh, I meant to ask if you would like to walk home together. But you were a bit busy."

"Oh!" You chuckled and smiled, "I was hoping to walk home with you! But I thought you had just left-" You started to walk and he strolled beside you. 

Dark Shadow peaked out into view, "Did you have a good nap?"

"Huh? Oh- heh-" You rubbed the back of your neck, "You saw that?"

Dark Shadow grinned, "Well of course! Tokoyami had me catch your head when you fell asleep!"

Tokoyami cleared his throat again, "Dark Shadow... they did not need to know that..."

You giggled now realizing that Kirishima had been talking about this, "It's alright!" You sighed, "Thank you, by the way."

He tensed beside you, "Of course- it was the right thing to do."

There was a pause before you made a sly comment, "Just like how I'm right about *the book series*!"

Tokoyami's head whipped in your direction, "What?"

"Mhm- I'm glad you agree!" You sped up a little bit and spun to face him while walking backward.

His eyes squinted, "You know very well that is not what I was speaking of-"

You shrugged with a grin and turned away, "Potatoe Tomato" You heard him stop walking and turned back again to look at him.

A look of pure confusion and disbelief was across his face. "What did you just say?"

"Po-tat-o To-ma-to-" You spoke slowly staring at him.

"That's- that's not how you say it-"

He was interrupted by Dark Shadow, "I don't know- it makes sense to me!" She swung over beside you and snuggled her head into the side of your face.

You giggled and ended up patting dark shadows head, "See! I'm right again!" You smiled and flipped around to keep walking, and made finger guns in the air. "Two points for Y/n and dark shadow! Zero for Birdy boy!" With the birdy boy comment you point the finger guns at him.

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