Okay, so, that was a little more emotional than I thought it would be. But I'm glad that a few things were said. Mainly that I'm here for him if he needs it. And I hope that if he needs help, he'll tell me, preferably with words, because it's obvious that I'm blind as a bat sometimes.

When I calmed down and pulled away from Finn, I immediately went to make us tea. It was too late when I realized there was no way he had a tea stashed somewhere.

"I'll be right back," I said walking out of Finn's apartment without a word from him.

I knocked on Zack's door and waited for him to open it. "Lexi, hi. I should stop being surprised to see you here." He laughed. "What's up?"

"I need tea. Please." I put on my best smile.

"Anything for you." He went back to the apartment and returned a few seconds later with three boxes of tea. "I don't know which one you wanted, but you can have them all."

"Thanks, Zack. I'll get them back to you ASAP."

"Don't worry about it." He waved his hand over it. "But are you sure you don't want something stronger?" He raised an eyebrow.

"This is enough, thank you." I laughed. "See you later."

"See ya." He winked at me and went to his apartment while I went back to Finn's.

I found him exactly where I left him. He didn't move an inch. His gaze was still on the table and it was obvious that he was lost in his own head. That's not a good sign.

I walked over to him with the tea and sat down. I relaxed a little when he looked away from the table and looked at me. He thanked me for the cup that I handed him and placed it on the table as I did.

"I don't remember my mother." He started. "And my father...well, he was aa asshole." His gaze shifted from me to the white cup in front of him. "He tried to kill me one night."

With those words, as if all joy disappeared from the whole world.

"That's how I got to this." He ran his hand over the scar on his neck. "I remember it like it was yesterday. Sometimes I dream about it. That I'm under him again, with the kitchen knife at my throat. After that happened, I don't think I was ever normal. Killian kicked him out of the house and I haven't seen him since I know he was trying to take Val but I wasn't home at the time.

As we grew up, I think I came off the worst. I don't know if everyone forgot about it, but I couldn't. The moment I had a chance to forget it, I took it. I started drinking and fighting. It wasn't that serious at first. Some black eyes, scratches, scuffed hands, or a torn lip.

Everyone slowly became interested in something else. Killian was building a name for himself and us in New York, and Kai helped him the most. Sebastian was taking care of himself and the other woman he would bring to bed that day. I think it was his defense mechanism to avoid having to face reality. Val moved out the moment she had the chance, which was good for her, but I was left alone. I slowly disappeared into the shadows and was only noticed when I came home covered in bruises and blood.

It was an escape. From everything and everyone. Many times I wanted it to end. I wanted whoever I was fighting to finally get me. With each punch I received...I felt a little lighter. But then I realized what will happen after I'm gone. I didn't want them to blame themselves. So I tried to avoid fights at one point. My mental health only got worse and it was impossible to be in the same room with me. I started again and it was only more brutal.

I always tried to hide it, but Kai saw through all my masks. He always started yelling at me that one day it was going to kill me and as soon as he finished he went to get Killian to tell me something too. It was only worse. They didn't understand what was happening to me and I wasn't any better. I had no idea what was happening to me. I just wanted it all to stop.

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