Chapter seven: Are you a vampire?

Start from the beginning

"OK, fine. Give me........what helped me heal faster?" Night asked Crimson.

"If your wounds are stitched up a you drink blood mixed with orange juice, you'll be healed within the hour." Crimson said without looking away from her food and drink.

"Blood? Is that what you out in my orange juice last week when I got beaten?" Night asked.

"Yup!" Crimson smiled and popped the "p".

"What type of blood?"


"Hmmm...will you get me a deer then?"

"Sure, just give me a sec."

In no time Night and Crimson inhaled their like, six or seven sandwiches, downed their drinks, and each burped a burp that could put even Jeff's burps to shame. Crimson ran out the door, and in a second Night started making a pitcher of orange juice.

"Are you like a vampire?" Sally asked Night in her sweet, adorable voice.

Night bent over as much as she could without hurting her side, and smiled at sally. It melted my black heart seeing how loving Night acted, and the sweetness in her soft angelic voice.

"Well, now that you think about it. It seem like I kinda am. Obviously I need blood to heal myself, but i don't need it to live. I guess you could call me a simi vampire." Night explained.

"Oh. That makes sense. I think?" Sally said with a confused expression.

A knock was heard heard at the door, and Ben opened it. Crimson stood at the door panting, and covered in blood. I side glanced at Jeff and he stood there with his mouth open, and he had a boner making a tent in his slacks. I turned red and looked away. Night didn't say a word, grabbed a large cup, and handed it to Crimson. Crimson disappeared, came back with the cup half full, and gave it back to Night. Night mixed the cup with a quarter cup of orange juice, and she downed it in seconds.

She hopped up onto the counter, slightly kicking her feet, and humming a song that seemed so familiar.

"What song is that?" I asked.

"How do you know its not just a random tune i pulled out of my ass to take my mind off the pain?" She retorted.

"'Cause I've heard something that sounds familiar to it." I said.

"It's called Letterbomb by Green Day."

"No wonder it was familiar."

Night looked up at me.

"Do you listen to Green day?" She asked quite surprised.

"Oh he listens to more than that. Nickelback, Three days grace, Get scared, Perfect circle, Three doors down, and Creed. Did i miss anything?" Eyeless jack answered for me.

"Fuuuuck!" Night laughed.

"What?" I Asked.

"You have a damn good taste in music." Night giggled smiling.

I smiled back, and she turned red. I did too.

"Holy mother of Zalgo! Slender has a cr-" I wrapped a tenticle around Hoodie's mouth before he could finish.

"He has a cru-" I wrapped another one around Masky's mouth so he didn't say anything.

"Slendy has a cr-" Eyeless tries to say but Night screamed.

Everyone looked at her, and I was about to run and help but Crimson blocked my path.

"No one touch her!" She yelled.

"But she's-"

"But nothing, do. Not. Touch. Her. She's healing and it's gonna hurt her for a moment."

The screaming stopped, and Night panted heavily. She unwrapped the bandage from her head, and all that was there was a thin pink like. She unwrapped all her bandages except around her torso and ever scar was the same. Just a small pink scar. She lifted her shirt, and slowly unwrapped her bandage around her torso. Once she finished I examined her soft, curvy figure. My mouth watered wth want, and I felt very uncomfortable. I shifted my weight, and looked at what was supposed to be a large pink scar, but was only a small think pink line the size of a human's pinkie finger. Night giggled and slipped off the counter. She ran around the house the back into the kitchen. She hugged Crimson.

"Thanks Crim!" She giggled again.

"So are we gonna settle this shit or not?" Ben yelled obviously pissed.

"Yeah! I wanna beat yo ass!" Dark glared.

"Here. You two can fight me, and me only. No one else, only thing is I get my machete. Deal?" Night asked.

"Hell naw!" Dark shouted.

"Fine, you two can use any weapon you want aslong as I get my baby. Now do we have a deal?" She asked again.

Dark and Ben looked at eachother, and nodded.

"Deal." They said.

"I'll get your machete. Where is it at in your room?" I asked.

"Under my bed in the wooden trunk." Night explained.

I vanished and ended up inside Night, and Crimson's room. I looked under Night's bed and pulled out that wooden trunk. I found the machete, and was it fucking awesome. I'm not a big fan of knives but no one could say this thing wasn't badass. It's dull side had dips in it, and then made a curve backwards into a curled point, then ran down the the tip. It had small holes in it, and the sharp side was sharp as motha fuckka! I teleported back to the mansion after pulling the trunk away, and slipping the machete back into it's sheathe. I wanted to see everyone's reaction.

Night grabbed the machete, thanked me for retrieving it for her, and got ready to pull the sheathe off. When she did multiple gasps sounded, and I smiled. Night and Crimson did aswell. Dark and Ben gaped, and that assured me. If Night knew how to use that beast then those boys were fucked. Well! Let the battle begin!

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