Spooky halloween special 👻

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Before we start this chapter we would love to say this is a Halloween special! To honor Halloween, that's tomorrow! And we apologize dearly to those who don't celebrate Halloween. We hope you can still enjoy our book though and this chapter 💜 there's gonna be more holiday specials including little surprises 😉


Also a late Halloween special it was meant to be released in Halloween but we had problems thrown in our way so enjoy this late Halloween special 💜

3rd person pov

Sasuke was doodling in his notebook while he listened to the teacher. His mind slowly going numb from his boredom. He tapped the desk with his pencil. The time going by painfully slow as he almost dozed off before the speaker sounded throughout the whole school.

"attention pep rally high!! I, your principal hashirama senju, would like to say that tomorrow we're deciding to throw a Halloween party! So make sure to dress up in your Halloween costume! Cause it's the only time you'll get to do so! The classes will be shortened, there'll be lots of games, drinks, food and snacks, loud music and much more!! There will also be a movie! Have an amazingly spooky day!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes. Halloween party! What a stupid idea! As the com clicked off the bell rang and everyone sprung up and quickly packed their things. Making their way to the lockers. Sasuke huffed, packing up his things and following the crowd. Gaara was out today because of an appointment so he was bored out of his mind. He figured he'd tell gaara about the Halloween party when he gets home. He threw his bag over his shoulder and headed out the door and back to the house.

He was dying to get out of the binder, it was starting to hurt him as he had it on from last night forgetting to take it off after his nap, it almost felt suffocating. His breasts were screaming in pain from being crushed all day. As he made it inside he kicked off his shoes and looked about.
"I'm home!"
He called out. There was the sound of footsteps and Itachi appeared on the stairs.

"Welcome home Sasuke, would you like something to eat?"

"I'd like to get out of this!"
He grunted tugging at the edge of his binder through his shirt. Itachi almost flinched and his eyes darted to the stairs.

"Sasuke! Be careful with your words! You know mother and father would have a fit if you ever mention your... physical condition."
Right, his parents were actually home today. They liked to pretend his body was normal and any mention of anything other wise was pet with punishment. When he got mature enough and his chest started to take shape his mother had simply walked into his room, thrown him the binder and given the simple instruction to never take it off around anyone who didn't live in their house. He was very confused and tried to ask why and his mother started hysterically screaming at him. Cussing him out, calling him a deformed monster and many other hurtful things. He was so shocked he could do nothing but stand there as tears silently fell down his face. It took Itachi to come and drag her out and his father to calm her down. Not even an hour later she was done again at dinner, as if nothing had happened, that incident was never mentioned again. His mother never apologized for her hurtful words, never explained why she was made or why he had to wear the binder, he was never told why his body was so wrong. He just knew that it was and that was that, not another word would be said about it.

He shifted looking down.
"Thanks for the offer Nii-San, but I'm going to my room, I don't have much of an appetite."
Without waiting for any response he hurried up the stairs to his room. He shut the door and slipped off his shirt taking, off the binder that constricted him. He felt relieved, massaging his breasts, feeling way better now that the binder was off.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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