1. New kid?

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Before we get into the book, me and Scat106 are doing a collaboration. This book will be on both our pages, since we are writing it together. Doing this collaboration is a huge deal to us and is very exciting. We hope the whole plot/book is as addicting to you as it is to us. Please keep in mind that we both came up with the plots and ideas. We also wrote the book together. Again, it will be posted on both pages. Now enjoy!
3rd person pov

Sasuke grumbled at his desk, the teacher was late again, which left all the students babbling at an annoying volume. Even his own friends were practically shouting right behind him. Lee, an athletic kid, and Hinata, a daughter of a rich man who donated to the school, both laughed and talked at the desks right behind him.
Gaara took notice of his friend's discomfort and quickly turned around, hushing the others. Yet that didn't help much with the overall noise of the room. Just when Sasuke thought he'd jump out of his seat and start yelling, the teacher came in. He yelled and everyone went quiet, thank kami!
"Hello class. Now I'm sure you're all excited to share your assignments with the class but before we get started I have a few announcements."
Sasuke quirked a brow and Gaara knitted his, both turning to look puzzled at each other.
"First off, please give a warm welcome to our new student."
The raven almost felt like ripping his hair out. Another noisy kid to give him a headache.

Sasuke grumbled fuming with anger.

"Calm down, it's not the end of the world!"
Rolling his eyes the red head crossed his arms and slumped down beside his friend. They had pretty much decided they didn't want anymore kids at their school, yet it seemed like the universe was against them.

"Why do we need more kids in our class? Isn't thirty enough? Plus they're all so noisy... and annoying."

"There's nothing we can do, idiot. You know how the school is, whatever puts more cash in their pockets they'll do it, no matter how inconvenient it is for everyone else."
Garra whispered back, staring at the front of the class to see who the new student was going to be.

"..this school is honestly fucked up."
Sasuke mumbled leaning back into his seat, placing his feet onto Gaara's thighs to feel more comfortable.

The red head shushed him as the teacher began speaking again.

"Quite now! You may come in."

The door was pushed open. A blond with dazzling azureal blue eyes poked his head in and waved.
He cheered, stepping in beside the teacher.
"My name is Naruto! I had to drop out a year ago but I'm back now to finish my last year with all of you!"

"Thank you Naruto, does anyone have any questions?"
One girl raised her hand.
Their teacher pointed at her.

"So you're nineteen?"

"Eh- yes!"
Naruto answered a little hesitantly.

"Anyone else?"
The man scanned the room for more hands up, seeing none he told Naruto to find a seat. As the blond past the two friends they both released a breath they didn't know they were holding in. Looking at each other they stifled a laugh, knowing they'd get in trouble if they started giggling in class.

After what felt like days they were all piled on a lunch table, mocking the kids that passed. Sasuke sat with his elbows leaned on the table behind him, Gaara had his cheek resting on his palm, while Hinata, Lee, and Kankuro sat on the table behind them.
"Look at that idiot!"
Lee pointed. The others laughed. Out of nowhere Gaara kicked Sasuke's ankle, he looked up glaring at the red and gave an exasperated "what?" Shrug. He nodded towards the door and Sasuke's eyes followed. The new blondie stood, looking almost lost, by the entrance. He swayed a little, back and forth, on his heels as he stretched his neck to look over all the students. Looking back at Gaara they both smiled and giggled like children.
"What's up with you two?"

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