Part (46)

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Yn: Jungkook! This is our bedroom. You can't take her inside! How can you do this huh? Hey girl, leave from here right now!

Maria: Excuse me, He paid me to give him physical pleasure. I can't leave without doing my job.

After hearing that your heart broke into million pieces,
Yn: What? H-he paid you to s-spend night with him? Omo! My head is s-spinning!

You grabbed Jk's collar & started to shout at him,
Yn: You b*stard! I'm your fucking wife whom you loves the most! Jungkook, if you're pranking me then please stop.

Jk: I'm not pranking at all. I don't like you as much as I used to. Get used to it. I'll bring different girl every night to please me. Maria let's go to the other room I can't wait to have a taste of you.

Maria: Sure, darling.

Yn: I will never let that happen.

You grabbed that girl's hand & started to drag her to the door,

Jk: Yn, leave her hand.

Yn: No!

Jk: I said leave her hand.

Jungkook came infront of you & raised his hand to slap you. His hand stops exactly 2 inch away from your face. You look at him helplessly,

Jk: Maria!

Maria: Yes.

Jk: Let's go.

He grabbed her hand, took her in the room & locked the door. Suddenly your head started to spin & you sat on the floor,

Yn: Jungkook raised his hand to slap me for a girl? His love for me ended so quickly? What should I do now? Where will I go? My baby! Oh god, what will happen to this little soul! No Yn, you can't break like this. You have to stay strong.

You wiped your tears, went to your room & started to pack your things. After packing your belongings you came out of your room & noticed the mini dining set & the letter,

Yn: Jungkook, I think I'll never let you know that I'm going to be the mother of your child. You don't deserve to be a father.

You looked all around the house for the last time,
Yn: I wish I knew how to live without you Jungkook,but I will try.
*you stepped out of the house.*

Jin's Pov ( In the car)

You only informed everything to Jin & he came to pick you up,

Jin: I can't believe Jungkook would do such a thing. Yn, please let me go inside. I have to teach him lessons.

Yn: No no no...Jin, we can't do that.

Jin: But why?

Yn: Because it's his life. Maybe he got bored of me & needs some changes. I can't force him to like me right?

Jin: But you're his wife. You have to get your rights from him.

Yn: Please forget it Jin. I think I failed to become a good wife.

Jin: *sighs* Ok. I then start driving.

Yn: Where are we going?

Jin: Where we used to be with members.

Yn: Jin, I can't go there.

Jin: Why?

Yn: I don't want anyone to know where I am. Can you please take me somewhere else?

Jin: Why don't you want to tell anyone? They will be really worried about you.

Yn: I know but I don't want Jungkook to know anything about me. Please Jin take me somewhere else.

Jin: Ok.

Jk's Pov

Jungkook was still in the room with Maria. He was sitting on the bed like a statue & suddenly Maria came closer to him,

Maria: I think she left.

Jk: should leave from here too.

Maria: ☁️ Jungkook is so fucking fine. If I leave from here I'll miss the big chance to get closer to him. No Maria, you should take the advantage. ☁️
Sir, can you do me a favour?

Jk: What?

Maria: It's already 1 am & I can't go home alone. Can I stay at your place for just tonight? Please please please!

Jk: But that wasn't a part of our deal.

Maria: Yeah but it would have really helpful for me.

Jk: Ok then I'll stay in my room. You stay here.

After saying that Jk left from the room. The girl took out something from her bag & mixed it with a glass of juice & knocks at Jk's door,

To be continued...


Oh no 😐

 When The Two Idols Fell In Love With You जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें