Part (14)

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Yn: I know you're making fun of me. I'm not letting you go from me understand!?

He also stood up,
Jin: I'm Serious Yn! I thought that my life would take this decision peacefully but no...marrying you will destroy me in my professional life!

Yn: But you gave me this ring & promised me you'll marry me! Jin please tell me what happened exactly?

Jin: ☁️I can't tell you Yn. But I have to leave you!☁️

Yn: Jin, why you became silent? Answer me naa!!

Jin: Because I don't love you! I realized that you were just affection for me! You and I have nothing in common. I'm a well known worldwide artist Yn. I have to maintain my class!

Tears came to your eyes hearing his painful words,

Jin: I thought you were the girl I needed in my life but now it seems I was wrong. Suppose, I married you then what should I tell people that my wife was Jungkook's makeup artist? On the other hand, you are not even with your family, you have no identity Yn!

You wiped your tears & replied,
Yn: But you c-came to me knowing e-everything and loved me!

Jin: Yes! And that was the biggest mistake of my life!

Yn: *sighs* Ok, then what do you want right now?

Jin: A life without you.

The atmosphere was dark. The waves of the ocean current were playing in your ears. Both of your eyes started to shine with tears. You made yourself normal & said,

Yn: I never thought I would find love so quickly and lose it so easily! You were my first love but I hope in the future there will be someone who will be my last love. Jin, you're right. I am not worthy to be your wife. Your relationship with me is like heaven and earth which will never match! Can I get a last hug from you please?

Jin: ☁️ Hugging you will make me weak on you again Yn. I can't hug you!☁️

Yn: Ok I understood everything. No problem.

You took off the ring & stared it for few minutes,
Yn: I won't return you this ring! I will throw it into the ocean just like you threw me out of your life.

You took some deep breaths & gathered a lot of grudges in yourself & threw the ring into the ocean,

Yn: This unworthy girl will never want you again. Goodbye Mr Kim Seok-Jin.

After saying that you started to walk without looking back. When you disappears from Jin's sight, he sat on both of his knees & bursts into tears,

Jin: I'm sorry Yn. I know I hurt you a lot. But I had to do it for Jungkook. He will treat you better than me. But I really love you. I wanted to spend my life with you as your husband that's why I committed with the ring....ring? Oh no she threw it into the ocean. No no no I've to find it!

He started to act like mad. He jumped into the ocean & tried to find the ring desperately.

[Yn's pov] [10pm at night]

You lifelessly entered in the house & went to your room directly. Then you take out your luggage and start packing your things. Hoseok was passing by so he entered in ur room with a questionable face,

Hoseok: Yn! Are you going somewhere?

Yn: Hmm.

Hoseok: Where are you going? Is Jin hyung taking you to a vacation hmm?

You smiled awkwardly,
Yn: No. Hyung I'm leaving this place for forever. My right to live here has been taken away from me that's why!

Hoseok: Omo! Why are you talking like this?

You couldn’t control yourself & Hugged him,
Yn: *crying* It's over hoseok hyung! He left me. I am not worthy of his love, he never loved me!

Hoseok: Calm down Yn! You can share your pain ok.

You made yourself calm & told everything.

To be continued...


 When The Two Idols Fell In Love With You Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ