Part (42)

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Jk: Eomma is not feeling well. Even though they are angry with me, I have responsibility towards them.

Yn: Of course. You should go there. What time will you leave tomorrow?

Jk: I will leave tomorrow morning.

Yn: Jungkook, I think I should go with you.

Jk: No, I will take you there when they accept you as my wife.

Yn: Umm ok then let me sleep in your arms because I have to be alone from tomorrow.

*You rested your head on his chest*

Jk: This time I'm afraid to leave you alone.

Yn: Why?

Jk: I don't know why but I feel like I'm going to lose you.

Yn: Oh Mr Jungkook, I'm not letting you get rid of me so early.

Jk: Thank god. I also don't want to get rid of you for the rest of my life.

~next morning~

You woke up early because you weren’t feeling well. While making breakfast the smell of the food felt weird & you ran into the bathroom to vomit. Hearing you vomiting Jungkook woke up in shock & also entered in the bathroom,

Jk: Yn! What happened?

Yn: I don't know. Suddenly the smell of the omelette felt weird to me & I started to vomit.

Jk: Wait I'll call the doctor.

Yn: No no. There is no need to call the doctor. I think I got food poisoning from eating out yesterday. I'll be fine don't worry.

Suddenly his phone started to ring,
Jk: Jung-hyun hyung is calling me. I'll tell him I can't come today because you are sick.

Yn: Jungkook No! I'm totally fine. Tell him you're coming.

Jk: But...

Yn: Please...

Jk: Ok as your wish.

After he left for Busan your body starts to feel more weak. You start to have an aversion to food and want to eat something strange.

~2 days later~

You don't want to eat anything since morning.  Just having cravings for dumplings. It's evening now & suddenly Jin called you,

Jin: Hello.

Yn: Hello.

Jin: How are you feeling now?

Yn: Dumplings!

Jin: What?

Yn: I don't know why but I'm craving dumplings since morning.

Jin: Tell Jungkook he will take you to a restaurant then.

Yn: I already told you he is now in Busan.

Jin: Oh sorry I totally forgot about that. Btw will you go with me then? I know a place where they sells the best dumplings of the town.

Yn: Really? Then can you order it for me?

Jin: They only sell their food offline. You have to go there to eat it.

Yn: Ok then let's go.

Jin: Ok get ready. I'll come to pick you in 30 minutes.

You got ready & went to that restaurant with Jin. He was wearing a mask & cap. The environment of the restaurant is very romantic. The restaurant was in an open field surrounded by small dim lights. You both sat on a table facing each other,

Yn: This place is really romantic. Right?

Jin: Yeah but you came here with the wrong person. I mean you should have come here with Jungkook.

Yn: Yeah I'm missing him so much.

Jin: When will he return?

Yn: Maybe tomorrow. We should order now. I'm really hungry.


Jk was supposed to come back tomorrow but he was missing you too much. He wanted to surprise you that's why he didn’t tell you he is coming back.

Jungkook is driving the car & his brother is sitting next to him because he have some work tomorrow,

Jung-hyun: You could have stayed there for two more days.

Jk: No hyung, It would not be good for me to stay there without my wife.

They both reached at house & Jk started to find you but you weren’t there. Also your phone was silent in your bag,

Jung-hyun: Jungkook-ah, Your wife seems to be out on a date and you'd better not disturb her.

Jk: What are you saying hyung?

Jung-hyun: Then where is she?

Jk: Wait, I can track her location.

Jung-hyun: You can track her location? How? Don't you trust her?

To be continued...


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