Part (40)

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Yn: Jungkook, it’s been already 2 hours we're driving. When will we reach there?

Jk: Just 30 more minutes.

Yn: After reaching there we will have lunch first I am very hungry, Ok?

Jk: Ok Madam.

After 30 minutes you reached there. The place is really natural & peasant. You can feel the freshness in the air. You both started to walk holding hands besides a river,

Jk: You wanted to come to such a place where no one will disturb us. So, Do you like this environment?

Yn: Of course. Now please let's eat something.

Jk: But here are all local restaurants and we have to eat there.

Yn: So what? Let's go!

After searching for minutes you ate your lunch at a local restaurant,

Jk: Food was delicious, right?

Yn: Yeah, I loved it.

Jk: Ok Yn wait here, I need to use the washroom.

Yn: I'll wait outside then, come fast.

You went outside of the restaurant & saw a bench under a huge tree. You sat there & suddenly an old lady placed her hand on your shoulder,

Old lady : Hey dear. Are you local here?

Yn: Umm no grandma. I came here to visit.

Old lady : I see. You look so beautiful. What is your name? Are you married?

You were about to reply her but she started to talk without listening,

Old lady : I have a grandson named Lee hyun-shik. Now we are looking for a bride for him. Can I talk to your family?

You saw Jungkook is standing behind you & he replied,

Jk: Grandma, I am not willing to give my wife a second marriage.

You started to laugh at his reply.

Old lady : Wife?

Yn: Yes. He is my husband.

Old lady : *laughs* I have been so busy getting my grandson married that I forgot to listen to her answer whether she is married.

Jk: It's ok grandma. My wife is so beautiful that it is natural for her to propose.

Yn: Jungkook! Sssh!

Old lady : By the way, you both look really good together. God bless you with a baby soon.

After giving you both a lot of blessings the lady leaves from there. You both started to walk again,

Jk: Yn.

Yn: Hmm.

Jk: I'm noticing you're smiling too much is it because of the marriage proposal hmm?

Yn: Umm no. Did you forget what she said before leaving?

Jk: What?

Yn: About the baby dumbo!

Jk: Ohh well! Do you know Yn, I want to be a father of a girl first.

Yn: Really? Me too. I want to be a mother of a baby girl first.

Jk: So why the delay? Let's make a baby!

He started to kiss on your cheek jokingly,

Yn: Aaiish Jungkook! Stop it!

You two had a great time together & returned home at night. Jungkook already fell asleep because he was too tired. You were also lying next to him when suddenly you got a message on your phone from Jin's number,

Jin: " Yn, I want to meet you. I know you don't think well of me now. But trust me, It'll be a casual meet. I just want to clear every misunderstandings between us, nothing else. Please don't say no, Think of me as your friend & just meet me tomorrow."

You replied,
Yn: " Ok, let's meet."


You were getting ready because Jin wanted to meet you in a private restaurant,

Jk: Yn, are you going somewhere?

Yn: ☁️ Should I tell him Jin wants to meet me? No, I should tell him all the truth after coming back☁️
Umm, Your wife needs to go shopping so I'm going to the mall.

Jk: Ok but nowadays, who goes to shop in the mall? You can order online.

Yn: No. I prefer shopping in person not online.

Jk: Then I'll tell my manager to go with you.

Yn: No no! I'll feel uncomfortable around him. Jungkook don't worry, I can go alone.

Jk: Well, I have to go somewhere too. Otherwise I would have gone shopping with you.

Yn: I'll get going now. See you at night.

You gave him a hug & left from the house. Jungkook quickly wear a mask on his face & started to follow you in secret.

To be continued...


Trust is most important in relationships

 When The Two Idols Fell In Love With You Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang