Two dreams

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My minds been heavy ever since that dream, the small flashbacks of it caress my mind as if I'm not allowed to forget it.

Closing my eyes I lean back in my chair as the squeaks echou through my office, my mind drags me back to through the images in my mind. Her small hands caressing my skin as she sways side to side infront of me.

Her long silky hair flows over her shoulders like a waterfall. The laughter from her sweet voice echoud as our body's became one on the dance floor, a sweet contagious smile spread across her face.

It was as if a beam of light shone directly on her whenever she showed her beautiful teeth, her small canines held slight sharp edges to them only making her image cuter.

My heads skimmed her skin softly as I adjusted them onto her waist, I slowly slid my fingers up along her waist feeling the dip of her curves before bringing them back down again, the touch of her soft skin felt so real.

A coconut mixed with lavender scent filled my nostrils encouraging me to take a deep breathe in, my shoulders have never been so relaxed.

The bright lights of the club bring me back to my senses, the same thoughts cross my mind again as I become slightly aware of my unfamiliar seroundings.

Before my guard could be brought back up her beautiful features and elegant moves put me at peace, the feeling of her in my arms made me feel like the most powerful man in the world.

Suddenly just as I had entered a content environment, it was all ripped away from me in a second. The small rings around her pupils turn purple, anyone close enough would be able to notice the unnatural eye colour.

Everything around us begins to change, the walls disintegrate and the floor boards crumble into mud. Trees replace the four walls that were seroundings us, my eyes settle on the new scenery before looking back at lilah. Her smile had not dissapeard but had grown bigger, her soft giggles ehcoud through the forest trees as she began looking around enjoying the view.

Her hand slowly lifted up into the air making  a bundle of leaves fly around her before slowly settling them back on the ground. The purple rims in her eyes shone against the bright sunlight that bathed us both.

I watched in amazement as her hand once again entered mid air creating something with gold dust as her fingers weave slightly. In seconds a beautiful gold butterfly was produced in the air before softly flapping its wings and flying around her. She looked so innocent and pure in the moment, it was peaceful. The butterfly represented her in more ways than one, but not long after it was creating it slowly began to turn grey. Then red.

Her giggles died down as the sunlight dimmed, she looks up at me with emotionless features yet her eyes held so much emotion.

And none of it was happy. I could see sadness as if she was pleading me silently, but a heavy rage could be seen depending in her pupils. Everything around us began to die, the grass became brown and the trees widdled away forcing the leaves to abandon the branches and shrivel up.

The last thing my eyes saw as everything dissolved into a pitch black darkness was Lilahs eyes, the anger, the sadness, the hurt. The eyes of someone who was capable of doing terrible things with only the thoughts of revenge keeping them motivated. Then everything dissapeard.

My body jolted back up in the seat as the memory's come back to me clear as day. Usually I'm unable to remember any dreams but this one seems to be haunting me like a shadow.

What does this mean?

Do dreams even have a meaning?

Everyone in a pack knows dreaming about a specific person means one thing and one thing only. A mate bond. But are dreams always true? I sigh thinking over the million questions I have running through my mind.

Am I putting my pack in danger by having her here? Why can't I just let her leave?

A strong ache grew through my head, placing my palm on my temple I rub softly before letting out a long sigh. Overthrowing won't solve anything.

Sitting up from my seat I decide its best not to think anymore of it and head to bed, after all dreams are only figments of out imagination.

Apologies for the long wait, writer's block had held me captive for a while. I'm open to any ideas you may have for the other chapters.

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