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They led me out of the room into what looked like a living room, surprisingly quite comfy. The sofas were soft, a fluffy white rug lay on the floor in the middle next to the fire brick fire place. The walls had a woody feature while I could see through the corridor the kitchen had a marbled counter top in the middle with modern wooden cupboards.

Rick led me over to one of the 3 seating areas in the room. I sat down in the right corner of the smaller sofa while he settles himself down next to me leaving a bit of space. Opposite me was that other guy, I think I heard Darias call him Zander. Darias sat on my right on another slightly bigger sofa. It was silent but I was more distracted by the scenery.

For kidnappers they had quite a nice place. Kind of old fashioned with all the wood, if I didn't know any better I'd think we were in the countryside. "Hey" a soft voice grabs my attention, looking to my left I see Rick trying to grab my attention before ending it with a soft smile. "Can I go now?" I ask looking at the others, "we haven't talked yet" Zander says.

"Then talk, and talk quick" I subtly roll my eyes before going back to admiring the place. "Are you usually this disrespectful to people who are trying to help you" I hear annoyance in Zander's tone, "do you usualy kidnap people you are trying to help" I shoot my question quicker than fire can spread. I hear a small faint growl come from his chest.

"That's enough" Darias finally speaks. "We know your not just an ordinary human. I also know that you can't fully control your power, and we can help with that" for a second I thought about denying his words but there was no point since Zander had already seen what I'd done. "How are you going to help?" My voice was laced with attitude, I wanted more than anything to leave right now.

I've been intimidating by a lot but, sitting in a room with 3 large, muscly, tattooed guys is something else. I could feel the temperature in my body rising as I think about it. "We aren't exactly human either, I believe we can help each other out" that got me stumped. "So me?" I ask intruiged. "No" hearing his answer brought a little bit of sadness into my heart but I quickly shrugged it off.

"We are shifters" Zander speaks. "What?" Utterly confused right now. "We can shift into wolves because we were born with wolf blood in our veins. We are part of a pack" Darias explains. A few seconds of silence goes by before I burst out laughing "your fucking with me right? You could have made literally anything up and you chose that!" Tears grew in my eyes. Another low growl comes from opposite me.

"Don't be so disrespectful!" His voice was low but it had no affect, these people were crazy. "Oh no, are you going to wolf out?" I say before bursting out laughing again. Another low growl escapes through the room, this one sounded real though. Before I knew my mistake, Zander had stood up and was now in front of me.

With one swift movement of his hand he had cupped my chin forcing me to look at him, his eyes glow golden. He opens his mouth slightly to show long canines sticking out of his teeth. "Continue your behaviour and I just might, trust me you don't want to see that" his threat was weird but enough to shut me up. He returned to his seat leaving me in awe.

Lost for words.

What just happened?

"Now that we have your full attention, I trust you to keep our secret like we will keep yours" Darias speaks up. I look at him still in shock. No words leave my lips. "Seriously Zander, did you have to do that? You scared her" I hear Rick's voice bellow gently. Wait. Rick. He's one too? I feel a soft hand gently touch my shoulder causing me to move away, turning to see Rick's eyes filled with slight rejection.

"Lilah, we don't intend to hurt you or scare you. We just want to help you" "what does that even mean?" My words snap out of my mouth before I have time to think. Now I desperately need to get out of here. I'm no longer the strongest in the room. Clearly.

"We can help you practise your powers so you have more control" he speaks softly, "why would you do that?"I ask curiously still warey of the creatures around me. "Because in return I'd like to talk to your family, just so we can keep the peace around here" it takes a second for me to realise he's being serious. "Yh of course" I say, he looks satisfied. "If you find them" I add. His pleased expression changes immediately, kinda satisfying.

"What do you mean? Do you not know where they are" Zander asks leaning forward in his chair. "Your guess is as good as mine". I turn to who seems deep in thought. "So if that's all you wanted does that mean I can leave?" I ask softly unsure of his temperament right now. He looks up at me, his piercing blue eyes have a slight calmness to them. "I'm sure there's something else you can do for me or my pack" a specific word catches my attention 'my'. "Your pack?" I say, he nods his head.

My eyes dart to Zander who nods as well. "So your like an..Alpha?" I ask, "that's right. And my duty is to protect my pack at all costs, helping you control your power brings less of a risk to my pack" "what if I don't want to?". He sighs, "Lilah, you are alone. Your apartment is run down, you barely have enough money to get by and by the looks of it you don't even have enough to get food" his eyes dart to my shirt that clings to my stomach, small bumps from my ribs were showing but barely anyone had noticed till now. "I'd be doing you a favour by helping you. Just except the help"

Thinking for a second, it was really nice in here however my stubbornness was getting the better of me. "How do you know I won't harm your pack? Or even you?" I ask honestly, he looks me in the eye not saying a word. "You would be stupid to even try. But if that's how you are then you would be punished everytime you tried or even thought about doing so" the thoughts in my head were building up. Once again I feel a soft hand gently lay upon my knee, "please lilah, just except the help" his touch usualy brought me peace yet all I could think about was him in wolf form ripping people apart.

"How can I trust you, your one of them" I try to shrug his hand of my knee but it doesn't move. It grips tighter. "I would never hurt you, I've been looking out for you since the day we met" looking into his eyes I felt like I could believe him but a part of me still felt unsafe. "Where would I stay? I'm not sharing a room with a grown ass wolf man" I sys seriously. I see Zander roll his eyes while Darias chuckles softly "don't worry I wouldn't do that to you. You can have a room here" "how many people live here?" I look around. "Just me and Zander" I look over at Zander. Something tells me he's going to be a pain in my ass.

"Fine. But if one wolfy finger so much as  even touches my body, I will burn it off" he could tell my threat was serious. "I can assure you my pack won't lay a finger on you" as he says this I look down at Rick's hand still comfortably on my knee. I give Rick a look knowing he heard the conversation "Okay that's fine, i guess I'll just never touch you ever again" he takes his hand back. Not being able to feel his touch or be wrapped in one of his hugs kinda brings me slight pain, I see a knowing smirk on his face.

"So all the books they asked of werewolves, that's all true?" I ask, "they got a very small part down. We're called shifters not werewolves" Zander explains, "what else? Do you guys only shift on full moon?" Darias shakes his head gently. "We can shift freely after turning 18, all packs are different". I look at each of them "and your all men?" I ask "yes, it's very rare to see a female shifter now. Most packs consist of male shifters" damn, wolf life is sexist.

"If you ended up liking a human do you have to keep the whole wolfy thing a secret" "Yes, unless there really trust worthy. And there's no need for the nickname 'wolfie' we're all adults" Zander just got a little more grumpier. "Awe what's the matter wolfie, not find a human that like's you back yet?" He returns a hard stare. "Lilah, that's enough" Rick's voice chorus softly through my ears, by the look in his eyes he was serious. Touchy subject?

My eyes dart over to Zander who looks deep in thought. "I'll show you to your room, your stuff was already put in there" I nod my head not giving it much thought. Before leaving the room I take one last look at Zander. He looks kinda sad, maybe I did take it too far this time.

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