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I feel the cold temperature rising in the bar, why hasn't Rick put the heating on. He never gets cold but I would have thought he'd atleast put it on for me. After finishing studying I sit behind the bar washing glasses, a few unlit candles hand behind the bar on the shelves. Looking around I see my opportunity. A small hit of heat from a candle is better than nothing, focusing on my thoughts I imagine the candle being lit. Once my eyes open I'm surprised to see all the candles lit, huh. Shrugging it off I get back to washing glasses.

A small tingling feeling spreads through my right palm, second and second it becomes more and more hot. I make a fist trying to make the feeling go away, the warmth and heat turns into a burning sensation across my palm. "Fuck" I mumble quickly running it under cold water. My eyes slowly divert to my palm as droplets of water run over a now freshly burnt wound. What the fuck?! So focused on my palm I hadn't realised I was no longer alone in the room.

"Everything okay?" Rick's voice echoes snapping me out of my thoughts, quickly Looking up I'm met with Rick and Darias's eyes. "Yep" I respond, maybe a little too quickly. They both look at me suspiciously, the longer we stand hear the more my palm begins to burn again. As soon as they leave I can put it under the tap, the seconds of a silent filled room passes by. Come on, leave already. The burning feeling is becoming excruciating. I give up on the staring contest and move over to the tap running my palm under the cold water hoping they will just assume I'm washing glasses.

A small sigh escapes my lips and the cold water brings down my temperature, "did you burn yourself?" I'm startled as I feel a body behind me. Rick's strong scented colone fills my nose, usualy his scent makes me feel warm inside but right now it's making the hair on my arms stick up. "No, it's nothing" i say rushing to dry my palm in an attempt to hide it. "Lilah" his voice was rough and sharp, he grabs my wrist and pulls it towards him. "What happend?" He asks looking at the fresh burning flesh on my palm, "I accidently burnt it lighting candles" I say honestly.

"Why were you lighting candles?" Darias asks raising an eyebrow which I return with a hard glare. "Because I'm cold" I snatch my hand back to my chest before glaring at Rick "you may not get cold but I do" I say firmly, he sighs realising his mistake. "Sorry, hun. I'll put the heating on" he says walking into the back. Silence fills the room with just me and the model left alone. His shirt was tightly fitted to his chest showing his toned torso, patterns of bumps fall along the middle of his chest showing the outline of his abs. It's hard not to stare.

Looking up I notice he's fully aware of what I'm staring at, I clear my throat and look away trying to gain back control. "You sure are clumsy" his husky voice fills my ears like soft music, I shrug my shoulders unsure what to say. I let out a small unoticable sigh of reliefe as Rick enters the room. "There, it should start to warm up now" he gives me a gentle smile which I return with a cold nod. I quickly busy myself with stuff behind the bar so I no longer have to be in the uncomfortable tension.

The hours passed by quickly and soon enough it was once again dark, the bar was packed like usual. "You can take off early" Rick comes up behind me "what?" I say a little shocked. "Yesterday's hours were really long, you to rest" a  part of me was happy but another part of me knew I would have to go back to my cold gloomy apartment. I give him a nod and half hearted smile before leaving from behind the bar.

After grabbing my stuff from the locker and getting my grey hoodie I leave through the crowd of noisey people. This has to be one of the coldest nights we have had so far, wrapping myself up in my hoodie only had little benefit. I knew I wouldn't get much sleep tonight. "Hey, ain't you a pretty little thing?" I ignore the voice and continue walking. "Oi, im talking to you" once again I ignore it, there's always some asshole out on the street.

Suddenly my arm is yanked from my side causing me to wince in pain, anger builds inside me. A disgusting man stands before me, a clear visible wedding ring on one finger. "Let go" I say firmly. He laughs out loud, "whats a little thing like you going to do if I dont" he waves to some people from down the street I had just walked "Oi, look what I caught" the vile smell of alcohol fills my nose as 4 of his companions begin to walk over. "Get of me you aragont, pathetic asshole!" I yell, his eyes widen in shock. "You ungrateful, little bitch. How dare you talk to me like that!".

Before I have time to realise what's happening I feel his fist connect with my cheek. A small sting tingles against my skin. Rage courses through my veins. Suddenly I'm pulled into an allyway and pushed to the floor. Looking around there's no exit other than the one the 5 men are blocking. "Awe what's the matter girl, gonna cry?" One of them says in a mocking tone. My hands turn to fists and as soon as one of the men take a step towards me he drops to the floor holding his stomach while groaning in pain.

"What the fuck man?" Men around him seem baffled but I on the other hand just smile. "Fine ill handle her myself" another one speaks up. The rest of them start to corner me, without thinking I allow the rage to take over. The feeling off my power taking over my body, one by one each other them begin to catch on fire. I leave one man to watch. Three of them screaming in pain, rolling around the floor trying to put out a fire they can't control. A small smirk tugs at my lips "what the fuck are you, you freak!" The man yells at me, for a second I wonder why I hadn't lit his body up in flames. And then I remember.

The man that hit me deserves a special punishment. As I look at his face the rage in my chest builds. I lift my hand in the air and twist it making the man scream in pain holding his hand, the more I turn mine the more his hand twists in a inhuman fashion. "Lilah!" Hearing my name causes my whole body to stand still in shock, forcing myself to look up.

In the entrance of the allyway stands the man from last night, a faint memory of him giving me a ride comes into my head. He looks at the mess before me, men still on fire rolling on the floor while the man before me is shouting in pain at his twisted hand. Fuck! What do I do?! "It's okay, I'm going to get Darias, okay?" He says taking a step back out the ally way. "No!" My shout echoes through the  u making the fire increases and the screams louder. He instantly puts his palms in the air "Okay, okay. No Darias" he seems to be serenading but I don't understand why. I'm not going to hurt him.

I look at the men on the floor, I hurt them. But they deserved it! Right? My heads heavy with different persuasive thoughts. The fire slowly dies down on the body's until it dissapear yet they don't move. Are they dead? "That's it. Come with me, we can help you" we? He puts his hand out as if I'm going to walk up and take it. Something feels wrong. "Your gonna pay for this you bitch!" The man yells as he holds his hand to his chest, without thinking I twist it with my mind till a loud snap is heard. He screams.

"Lilah! That's enough. He's learnt his lesson" I want to leave but he's in my way. "Move" I tell him walking towards him. "Just come with me, I can get you help" his words angered me. I instantly use power through my palm to smash him against a wall out of my way. Running as fast as I can I know it won't be long before he gets up and alerts Rick, they'll definitly go to the police about this. I won't be a fucking lab experiment! As my rage dissapears I realise how exhausted I am.

I need to pack my things and leave. I'll start my life somewhere else, I can get my powers under control and start over again. 

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