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Stretching my arms out I refuse to relax till I hear my shoulders crack, once my shoulders and back have cracked I let out a sigh of relaxation. Swiftly getting out of bed I grab some trousers and head downstairs. Looking outside I can see the crisp cold air beginning to freeze the leaves, winter has finally decided to show.

After making myself a cup of coffee I relax on my couch finally having some peace to myself, until a knock on my front door echoes through my ears. "Come in" I say formally, without having to raise my voice 2 men walked into my living room. "Morning, Alpha" Drake nods before taking a seat. Not far behind him joins my Beta, he gives me a nod before seating. He's usualy not the talkative type. "Did she get home?" I ask turning my attention to the mug in my hand "yes, however she wouldn't let me walk her to her door" I give him a nod, that does not surprise me.

She seemed the secretive type. "There's something about that girl" Zander speaks seeming deep in thought, I look at my Beta wondering what could be on his mind. "You mean her incredible beauty. And have you seen those eyes, there mesmerising" Drakes words were positive yet somehow agitated me. "Your forgetting the scene that happened yesterday" Zander says giving him a warey look. "So, she's a witch. No harm" Drakes palms fly into the air as if water of a ducks back. "No harm? She could kill you without even lifting a finger" Zanders words floated in my head.

"That's enough" I silence the room, "nothings set in stone. It could have been a coincidence" my own words had failed to put my own thoughts at rest. "Drake, start doing a parameter search" I order before placing my mug on the wooden counter infront of me. "Alpah, if there are witches around shouldn't we take more precaution?" He asks, there's no threat that has been thrown are way yet. "No. Just do the usual" I order, he nods before heading out of my house.

A knock on my front door grabs my attention, a familiar scent fills my nose "Come in, Rick". Footsteps get closer as a figure comes into veiw. "You called, Alpha" his respectful nod puts a small smile on my face. I could see a slight nervousness in his facial expression. "What do you know about Lilah?" I ask, he sighs. "Alpha, with all do respect. I promise she is no threat" looking into his eyes I could tell he was speaking truths. "I understand. But we need to take precaution" I tell him as I stand up to face him. His nerves show once again as I tower over him by a couple cm. "I understand, Alpha. All the information I have on her is in my office at the bar" he says bowing his head.

"Okay, we'll head over there". After changing into a shirt I grab my keys and we head out, a 40 minute drive to the city allowed a few more thoughts to pop into my head. My fingers grip the steering wheel harder than I had realised till I had parked up and let go, my hand print was embedded. "I asked her to open up the bar for me after you called me" he notifying me before we head inside. The place was quiet, a small young figure sat at one of the booths with her eyes focused on a book. "Hey, how's the studying going?" Rick says walking over to her with me not far behind.

"Great, do you know what poisonous plant can kill a horse?" She asks enthusiastically, "no" Rick says looking intruiged "yh me neither" her reply and facial expression fall into sink, she was quite the little joker. I didn't have the time to hold back the small chuckle that erupted from my chest, Rick let out a laugh with empathetic eyes. "Don't worry, you'll get it" he pats her on the shoulder. I study her feathers as she go back to her book, her eyes droop with tiredness, her body stiff as a twig and her right leg slightly shakes under the table.

Her eyes slowly pull up till there locked with mine, her stunning, bright blue eyes hold me in a trance. I can see a very light shade of purple in the rings around her pupils. I've never seen eyes like it before. "How are you feeling?" I ask clearing my throat, "fine" her eyes go back to her book. I'll leave her be for now.

Rick continues to read me her file as we sit comfortable in his office, a sudden look of surprise falls upon his face. "It was her birthday yesterday, I wonder why she didn't say anything?" I could hear slight sadness in his voice. "How old is she?" I ask intruiged, "she turned 18 yesterday, her full name is, Lilah autumn, and she's from this city" I take in all the information he has on her, it's not alot.

Suddenly something connects, she turned 18 yesterday. "When witches turn 18 there able to uphold there full power". Our eyes lock, there's more trace of her being a witch than human. "What does this mean then?" He asks looking slightly worried. "We keep an eye on her, she doesn't seem like a threat but we don't know if her family could be" I say. He gives me a nod. I allow I'm to get back to work as I think over her file. There's really not much here. "Lilah autumn" I mumble softly to myself, what a beautiful name.

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