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I slowly move my hand up to my head which feels sore from the after math. My breathings shallow as I adjust to my seroundings, my body feels like it's on something soft instead of the concrete floor. What happened? It all seems like a blur in my mind. I groan as I try to sit up, my whole body feels like I've been run over. "Hey, take it easy" a familiar voice says, I look over to see Rick standing by his desk. Great, this is all I fucking need. I try to get up but he instantly walks towards me pushing me back down.

"Lilah, you need to rest" his voice was firm, was he angry? "I'm fine" i stammer slightly. "You passed out, your not fine" he says angrily pacing the floor. I try to remember what happened but my brain doesn't seem to be working. "How did I get here?" I ask looking around. "Drake carried you here after you passed out" a little confused as to who Drake is but It's the least of my problems right now. "I'm fine now, can I get back to work?" I say, he looks at me in disbelief. "You are unbelievable" he says sighing. He looks like he's about to yell at me, I lean back and prepare myself. But nothing happens.

My eyes roam to his, he's just standing there staring at me. His facial expression has changed, he doesn't seem mad anymore. Before I'm aware of what's happening he sits down on the sofa beside me "if something was going on, you would tell me right?" He says, I feel bad to lie to him but he can't know. "Yes of course". He sighs before running a hand through his hair. "Are you...taking any drugs?" He asks taking me by surprise, "what no!" I say stunned. "Okay good. Do you maybe know why you passed out?" I shake my head wishing I did. "There's not much we can do about it right now, I want you to go to the doctor tomorrow" I nod my head knowing I won't do anything of the kind.

A sudden gross metallic taste in my mouth catches me off guard, its probably nothing. "Can I get back to work now?" I ask, "Lilah, it's already midnight, your shift is over" I look at his clock in shock, I was passed out for 3 hours! I feel a gentle pat on my thigh "go get your stuff and head home, get plenty of rest" I nod my head more than eager to leave. After grabbing my stuff from the locker room I over hear some voices from the bar. "I'm serious. The bottles shattered into pieces when she passed out" I hear a familiar voice, that must be Drake. "Girls have high pitched screams" an unfamiliar voice states, "she didn't scream".

What are they talking about? Small glimps of what happened begin to return to my mind. I quickly head to the storage room to see thousands of pieces of glass everywhere. Did I do that?! How?! Fuck, I must have lost control when I was in pain. I didn't know I could do this much damage. Glass littered the floor like new decorations. Suddenly feeling sick I decide to remove myself from the situation, I just need to go home and rest. I try to comfort myself. Unfortunately the only way out of the bar is the front door, passed the men from before. As soon as I step out into the open "Hey! How you feeling?" I groan in annoyance. "Fine" I turn to see Drake walking towards me, "you sure? You looked like you were in a lot of pain" he says wincing slightly, I scan through the thoughts in my brain. "Period" is all I say hoping that puts an end to it, I begin to walk off towards the door.

That same metallic taste appears in my mouth, I really don't like it. "Wait, let me give you a ride" I hear another unfamiliar voice say. A tall well built man walks towards me in a white jacket. "No that's okay" I say. "I'm heading out anyway" he says not seeming to take no for an answer. I ignore him and walk out the door anyway. Just as I begin walking down the pathway he's suddenly behind me, "this one's mine" he says walking to the sleak car infront of us. He must be wealthy to own this although his clothes say that already.

"I don't need a ride" my annoyance was growing and so was the metallic taste. "Don't be stubborn" he says giving me a stern look. Who the fuck is this guy? I groan before walking towards the car, he opens the door before moving over to the driver side. "Where you live?" He asks starting the engine, "holten street" he nods before driving off. I stare out the window watching the stars in the sky, I wasn't aware of how tired I was till a small yawn escapes my lips. I see a hand twist something on his car, he turned it from  blue to red. Suddenly warm air starts filling the car, it feels so nice. "You shouldn't work so late, its not safe to be out here at this hour" he says as I feel myself dozing off. "Money is money" I respond.

I lean my head against the car door allowing my eyes to shut for a little bit. Before I know it I feel a gentle nudge to my side, "sorry to wake you hun, which place is yours?" He asks parking up along side the road, slight embarrassment fills me. I look out the window to see the apartment buildings just up ahead. "That big building over there" I point. He drives down the road parking out side. He looks at me with a confused expression "your family live in an apartment building?" He asks.

Unsure how to answer that "thanks for the ride" I say before undoing my seat belt and opening the door "Hey. Wait" I hear his voice just as I shut the door. As I tiredly walk In I hear footsteps behind me "hold on, hun" his deep husky voice echoes. "You could atleast let me walk you to your door", I look at him in confusion "you've done enough already, thank you for the ride" I say, he gives me a nod allowing me to walk on. There's something off about those guys. A yawn escapes my lips making me forget the whole thing. As soon as my head hits my pillow I'm out like a light.

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