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As the day went on it got more and more busy, other than the odd dick head it was a chilled day. A constant thumping in my head distracted me every now and then when I was preparing drinks.

Looking at my phone the brightness began to mess with my eyes, for a couple seconds everything went blury before returning normal again. I must be coming down with something, shaking the feeling of I notice it's 9pm. Everybody will be out in the city clubbing and getting pissed which means this place will only get busier, a small groan leaves my lips at the thought. "Oi, vodka and coke" a guy clicks his fingers at me, momentarily rolling my eyes I begin to mix his drink before placing it on the wooden counter. He hands me the money before winking at me and leaving, disgust fills me before I continue on with my night.

"Hey, I'm off now. Have a good night" a girl says walking past me, I give her a smile as she passes through the crowed of people. I wouldn't mind being in bed right now but I can't afford heating so I'm glad I can be in the warmth of the bar. A few more people call out there drinks before I obediently make them. Just as I manage to have a second to myself a few more people appear out of no where. "Whiskey please, darlin" a deep voice says, first time someone has said please in this bar.

I start pouring his drink not even bothering to look up, before placing it on the counter I add a few ice cubes. "That will be-" a sudden surge of pain strikes through my head. I wince in pain having to clutch the counter to balance myself. It suddenly dissapears leaving my mind at rest, the small thumping in my head continues but nothing like what had just happened. I look up at the man in front of me as him and a few men beside him stare at me.

"You okay there, darling?" He asks sounding concernd yet his face seems so serious. "Yh I'm fine" I say trying to relax my nerves, my body feels in shock. I try to shake the feeling of and go back to what I was gonna say but just as I open my mouth the man places two 20's on the counter. This is way too much. "Sir, this is-" before I can finish he already answers my question "keep the rest for yourself" this would usualy be a kind gesture but with the seriousness of his face it feels slightly insulting.

My eyes roam over his features as if there glued to his image, his attention is to the man beside him. His jet black hair is slightly slicked back with small strands falling over his forehead as if its perfectly out of place. My eyes roam lower scanning every detail of his face, his eyes are sharp filled with a dark brown wood like colour. Small light brown rings shine in his eyes, just above his left eye is a small scar that slits through the edge of his eyebrow. I wonder how he got it. His jawline is impeccably perfect, it's as sharp as a knife. A small stubble beard grows along the bottom of his face, it travels along the line of his perfectly toned cheekbone and across his upper lip and back alone the other cheek bone. How can one man look so perfect yet dark at the same time. His buttoned black shirt fails to be buttoned all the way leaving a gap for his color bone to be shown off, the short sleeves of his shirt show a long sleeve tattoo along his bulky biceps. He must work out everyday.

I'm so distracted by this stranger I forget where I am, I take a step back trying to regain control and clear my throat. "Anything else I can get you?" I ask the men beside the very good looking stranger. Each of them give me an order in a polite manner which I'm happy enough to obey, they each get there drinks in a short amount of time. The men before me are incredibly good looking, some men are attractive but these men hold more than just attraction. My head still holds a heavy thumping sound, my body's exhausted. "Hey Rick" one of the men say, Rick appears from the corner making his way towards the men.

"Hey guys, nice to see ya" he says to them, he makes eye contact with the serious one before giving a small nod of his head "Darias" the man I'm assuming is Darias nods in return. Why did he only address him formally? I shake of the weird feeling before attending to more customers. "Hey, lilah. Could you get me a whiskey please, hun" Rick asks, I give him a nod and smile before making his drink.

Just as the drink sets on the table he thanks me "you should be careful not to over work your employees" Darias says before taking his last sip of his whiskey. I instinctively grab it to refill it up again and place it onto the counter infront of him, he looks in surprise before giving me a gentle smile. "Come on Darias, you know me. I treat my employees great" Rick laughs before taking a swig of his drink. One of the men beside Darias point to their glass giving me a sweet smile, I chuckle inside while making my way to refill it. For men that look terrifying they sure are sweet.

Just as im filling his drink up I over hear Darias and Rick's conversation. "You might want to keep your eye on this one then, she looked a little faint earlier" Darias voice echoes through my mind. Great, now Rick won't stop bothering me about this.

I roll my eyes in the back of my head before continuing cleaning glasses. I hear Rick's voice call me over "Lilah" I sigh before placing the glass down and walking over to there side of the bar. "Yes?" "Anything you want to tell me?" He says raising an eyebrow at me. I look over at Darias who has a neutral expression, my jaw clenched in annoyance. "No, is something wrong?" I ask in a professional fashion.

"Lilah, please don't lie to me. Were you feeling faint earlier?" He asks firmly. I groan slightly.

"No, I just needed to catch my breathe from all the rushing around" I say giving him a half hearted smile. In the corner of my eye I can see Darias and the men beside him giving me a not so approving look. I pull Rick out of his thoughts trying to change the subject "how do you guys know each other?" I ask, for once Rick looks a little stumped. The give each other expressions that I'm unable to read.

"We all went to college together" one man says. I give him a nod feeling like there's more to the story. "Lilah, we need more beer" Max shouts from the other end of the bar, I give him a nod before off behind the counter and through the sea of drunk people. In the back are cases of beer and all kinds of drinks, picking up one of the cases my arms pull down at the heavy weight.

I manage to leave the case against my stomach while carrying it out, as soon as my foot left the doorway that same pain in my head began again. My whole body strained, I groan in pain. I quickly kneel down with the case not wanting to drop it. After kneeling for a minute I had expected the pain to be gone but it hadn't, it seemed to be getting worse. My whole mind felt strained and pushed to its limit.

"Hey, you okay, love?" A voice echous through my mind, knowing someone is around I try to compose myself. My legs wobble as I try to stand up with the case causing me to almost fall "woah, I've got it" the man takes the case from me as if it weighs nothing, my head is still fuzzy. "Sit down, I can take these" he says, I manage to look up at the figure. He's the man that was beside Darias, "no it's okay, I got it" I can't have him going back to Rick about this.

I weakly try to take the case out of his hands but he moves it out of my reach. "There's no harm in sitting down for two secs, love" he says. As soon as I consider it the preicing pain in my head increases to a max level, I fall to my knees. Groans and whines escape my mouth, I'm in to much pain to try to hide it.

I feel hands on my back and shoulder. A faint voice in the distance "Hey! Can you hear me?" My head hurts so much, it feels like my minds tightening more and more. Suddenly a loud sound of glasses shattering and then it stops.

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