Barbeque Pt.1

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Ferenc was driving toward Nenetl's home with the sodas in the back of his trunk. He never did his shopping since he always hired someone to do it for him. The businessman thought it was beneath him. When he went to the store, he saw many people staring at him and pointing at him. Many women went to him, wanting to take a picture with him, but he had to 'politely' refuse. Ferenc had to keep up the facade; he hated the lot of them and wanted to spill their blood. 

Anger filled in his being that Nenetl asked him to do a simple chore. However, he was the one who accepted the invitation. He still wondered why he accepted in the beginning. He made a left turn as he made his way to the village. The more he thought about it, that was when the businessman realized that he wanted to do something he had never done before. His family never went to a barbeque, much less outside. During childhood, Ferenc heard other classmates mentioning that they and their families would go camping or have barbeques. He squeezed his driving wheel when he remembered his parents, especially his mother. 

His mother inherited the Bathory bloodlust and inherited the family's insanity. His mother was an influential figure in the business world, and everyone respected her. Everyone had no choice since she was ruthless and had no problem dealing with all those who went against her. Her husband was a second cousin who didn't have much influence and feared her. He let her do what she wanted while he did what he wanted. Ferenc despised how weak his father was as he let him and his siblings suffer at the hands of their mother.

Ferenc bit his lower lip so hard that it bled; he stopped when he got to Nenetl's house and turned off his car. He looked at his reflection and licked his blood away until he noticed a light that came from the back of Nenetl's house; it looked like a fire. He got out of the car and got the bag of sodas, a Coca-Cola, and Traubi. When passing through the fence, Nenetl appeared from the backyard with some first on her hands. "Oh, M-Mr. Nadasy, you arrived."

"You said 7 p.m. or am I mistaken?"

"No, you're right on time. I just finished fixing the bonfire; the food and salads are ready. Please come through here while I wash my hands." Nenetl undid the hose by the garden and washed her hands while Ferenc entered the backyard. When he did so, a scent hit his nose; it was one of the most delicious scents he had ever smelled. Once in the backyard, he saw a bonfire lit with wood and coal. What intrigued him was that something was close to the fire, covered by banana leaves. Meanwhile, Nenetl finished washing her hands and was nervous but had to act natural, or Ferenc would suspect her, knowing that he was a possible murder suspect.

She dressed in a simple jeans t-shirt with a handmade sweater above, while Ferenc dressed to impress. Nenetl felt he was trying to convey that he was above others, and she couldn't blame him since he was raised in a certain way. Nenetl walked to her backyard, where she saw Ferenc standing by the bonfire, looking at the food she cooked. She put plates of food on top of small boulders. "Thank you for bringing the sodas; I have cups so I can-"

"No need, I bought some. What did you cook?"

"Oh, I cooked the usual potato salad, guacamole, pico de gayo, rice, beans and the Mayan dish called Cochinita Pibil."

Ferenc looked at her. "What is that? I never heard of it." 

"It's pork with pibil, a juice of a Seville Orange and annatto. That distinct orange color comes from the annatto, and other than the heavenly smell, it makes it instantly identifiable. After the pig is marinated, it's wrapped in banana leaves and placed in a pit with coal at the bottom. The coal essentially smokes and pressure-cooks the meat as the entire setup is covered with dirt for a few hours while it cooks." Nenetl smiled as the scent hit her nose; it reminded her so much of home. "This is a popular dish within the tribe I lived with. Please take a seat." She motioned him to sit on a log close to the fire.

The young man looked at the log and scrunched his nose. "You want me to sit there?"

"Yeah, the point of a bonfire and barbeque is to eat and be a part of nature. Our ancestors have done so for centuries. Sometimes, we forget the old ways, and we shouldn't lose it. However, I can get a blanket so you don't have to-"

"No need, I will sit." He motioned her to the bag of cups and sodas, which she took. Ferenc slowly took his seat while looking at the fire. "Now, my pants will get dirty, this damn woman! I should have-" Ferenc wasn't able to finish his thought when he saw Nenetl open the banana leaves, which exposed the sizzling Cochinita Pibil. His eyes widened at how delicious it smelled and how cooked it was. He had tasted and seen many delicious foods in high society, but this was on another level. The meat looked so natural. 

The young woman got a plate and served salad, rice, and beans, and then used a knife to cut the pork, which she put on the plate. She got a fork and gave the plate to Ferenc. "I hope you like it. What soda would you like?"

"Either," he responded while holding the plate. Ferenc didn't realize that his mouth was salivating, something he wasn't used to. He cut a piece of meat and tasted it. His eyes widened; it was the most delicious meat he had ever eaten. 

"Do you like it?" Nenetl asked while handing him a cup of soda.

Ferenc took it and took a sip; the Coca-Cola also tasted delicious. "It is. I'm surprised that something like this can taste delicious."

"I'm glad. Food tastes better when it is cooked naturally; it can take a while, but it is worth it." She smiled while serving herself a plate but glanced as Ferenc put guacamole on the meat and ate more. Nenetl felt relief that he at least liked the food but knew that she wasn't out of the woods yet. "May I sit next to you?"

"I am not that narrow-minded. This is your home, and I am but a mere guest."

She did just that, and it felt bizarre and nerve-wracking to sit next to an influential figure who may or may not be a murder suspect. Nenetl hoped that she would make Ferenc lose interest in her, but her gut told her she may not get what she wanted.

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