Chapter 21.

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It was eerily quiet in this underground hideout. Like eerily quiet. If I wasn't in so much pain I'd be more concerned than I was right now but unfortunately I was struggling to focus as it was and the lack of Orochimaru's henchmen being around or Kabuto for that matter didn't make any sense to me. Kit couldn't even catch a scent.

"Something isn't right..."

I whisper to my fox as I remain on his back, my hands clutching the fur in between his shoulders as my blue eyes scan the seemingly never ending hallways and tunnels.

"Can you smell the way out?"


"No? What do you mean no?"

I raise my eyebrows as he stops, the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end before I feel something tackle me from the side, my body slamming into the floor as I let out a yelp of pain. The sensation of something tightening around my right leg and my fox growling loudly making me quickly come to my senses.

"Oh hell no..."

I snap, my eyes glued to the freakishly large, prehistoric mother fucking snake that's squeezing my limb tighter and tighter as it opens its mouth to show off its dangerously large fangs.

"That bastard!"

Orochimaru sent this damned thing instead of coming after me himself? I was pissed off but also felt slightly complimented as perhaps he doubted his capabilities. Probably not the time to think anymore into that. I grabbed one of my last kunai's as the snake went to bite my hip, the blade clashing with its fangs as I struggled against it. How the hell was it this strong? Or was I just weak right now? Regardless the creature was starting to crush my leg and if I didn't do something it would surely break my bones in another minute or two. I could already feel the muscles tearing.

"Kit bite the head off already!!"

I yell at my fox as I felt something snap in my thigh, a scream of pain tearing out of me before my fox's giant head reaches down and rips off the snakes head, throwing it down the hallway as he pulls off the rest of its slithering body. My hands instantly moving to clutch at my thigh as the pain ripples through me, the sensation making my stomach churn to the point I turn to the side and throw up the remaining contents of my stomach. Which wasn't much.

"We have to get out of here..."

I breathe, my skin pale and clammy. I'm at the point where I feel like I'm trapped in a god damn nightmare, a dark and never-ending pit in which I see no way out of. I feel Kit licking at my leg which I just want to clarify, does absolutely nothing except make my trousers damp but the sentiment is there. I sigh, there had to be a way out, this couldn't be some labyrinth, every maze has an exit. I groan as my eyes shift to look at the rocky ceiling above me, my eyes narrowing as I see a deep crack in the stone before I had an idea.

"Kit, eyes up buddy. That's our way out."

My fox lifted his large head and saw what I was seeing, his ears twitching as he started to move his body over me. Protecting me from what was about to come as he took in a deep breath. I placed my hands over my ears and closed my eyes, the pain in my leg increasing with each tiny movement as Kit let out a roar of a bark toward the ceiling, causing an explosion of the earth as his sheer power of his 'woof' created a giant hole in the ceiling above us, the star filled sky and light from the moon shining down from above as I let out a sigh of relief.

"Good boy..."

I whisper before he steps to the side, helping me stand as I keep the weight off my broken femur, his head once again shifting me onto his back before he jumps out of the creepy hideout below and onto the grass above. My lungs taking in a deep breath of fresh air as we carefully look around at our surroundings. Not that I could battle anyone right now, all I could do was hold on to Kit and hope he runs fast enough away to get us both to freedom and safety.

Clap, clap, clap, clap...

My body becomes rigid, my heart pounding as my senses become hyper-vigilant. I didn't want to turn around, I didn't have to - Kits almost deafening growl told me everything I needed to know and with my current state? I very much doubted I'd be able to put up much of a fight, if one at all.

"You are quite right Kabuto, this girl is quite the fascinating creature."

So it's Orochimaru and the four eyed freak. Fan-bloody-tastic. I let out a deep breath as Kit turns us around to face them, my blue eyes looking at Kabuto's wrists that seem perfectly normal now. How the hell did he heal them so quickly? I growl in frustration which just causes him to laugh.

"You don't look so good, little fox. Why don't you let me look at that leg of yours."

Kabuto taunts, moving a step toward me which causes my fox to snarl loudly at him in warning.

"If you want to keep your limbs attached to your body I suggest you stay back."

I snap, my fingers clutching Kit's fur tighter as I pushed down the pain again. I couldn't show weakness right now.

"So snarky. Come on dear, why don't we go back inside."

Orochimaru spoke now and it was more of a command than a question, not one I was willing to follow.

"Hard pass."

The two of them smirk before he raises his hands, multiple snakes flying toward me that erupt from his sleeves. I expected Kit to move but I felt his body being knocked out from beneath me, my eyes watching as he's thrown to the side by Kabuto while I land heavily on the ground. A cry of pain escaping me. My eyes closing as I braced for impact.


What's happening, why am I not being attacked by a swarm of snakes? There were literally a second from coming into contact. Did he pull back? No, there was not a chance of him doing that.

I open my eyes, the sound of metal clashing drawing my attention before I see Kakashi standing in front of me. The snakes dead on the ground in front of him.

"How hurt are you? Can you stand?"

The Jonin asks me and I just stare at him, my heart pounding in my chest but not from fear, it was from something else entirely.


Before I could speak Orochimaru rushes toward Kakashi, my hands pressing into the dirt while I watch the two of them fight. Kit rushing in to help as I take in sharp breaths, my senses becoming overwhelmed.

"Looks like it's just you and me, little fox."

Kabuto appears behind me, raising his hand which was engulfed by his chakra. I quickly move, rolling to the side as I push myself up into a crouch before my broken leg buckles, a hiss escaping me through my teeth as I hear him laugh.

"That's a nasty injury, you should really let me take a look at it."

This guy had some damn nerve, if I wasn't in so much pain - I would've wiped that smug ass smile off his face ages ago.

"I'll take my chances."

I growl, which causes Kabuto to smile again, his glasses reflecting the light of the moon as he pushes them up on his nose.

"Very well. While my Lord is busy, you and me are going to head out to safety. Can't get our prized possession in the line of fire now, can we?"

Ya know, never in my life have a met anyone as cocky as him and it was really starting to rub me the wrong way. I take in a deep breath, my eyes glancing over to see Kakashi knocked back off his feet. My heart pounding again before my eyes widen, Kit was covered in snakes - struggling to fend them off all the while the Jonin was slowly getting back to his feet. He didn't look too injured but he was definitely showing signs of fatigue.


I whisper, my eyes shifting between Orochimaru who was using a clone and the real version who was slowly phasing out the tree behind Kakashi, with his snake sword raised to make a fatal strike.


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