Chapter 15

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I walk slowly in between Guy and Kakashi, Kit ahead of us as his tail sways from side to side.

"So... Can I ask you something Aimi?"

Guy looks down at me as he speaks, my eyebrow raising as I look up at him.

"Uh, sure? I guess so."

I mutter in response, the masked ninja quiet beside me as he walks with his hands in his pockets.

"Have you really been alone this entire time?"

Huh, that wasn't what I was expecting but alright, let's go with it anyway.

"Well not completely alone, I've had Kit with me..."

"But nobody... Human?"

I see Kakashi looking down at me now as I look ahead to Kit, his ears back as he listens to us.

"Oh... Well no. Kit taught me a lot but there's only so much that a fox spirit can teach a child, especially in the ways of being human."

Guy looks between my fox and I as I limp beside him.

"So there are things you don't know? What do you struggle with the most? Hey! Maybe I could even help you!"

I tilt my head as I stop walking, standing outside the stairs leading to Jiraiya's apartment as I gaze up and the overly enthusiastic Jonin.

"Emotions are certainly tricky. I understand a few but I guess there are some that I felt recently... That I'm not entirely sure of."

Kit sits beside me as he looks over to Kakashi, saying something to me as I kick him with my foot.

"No, not that one."

I growl at my fox and he growls back.

"Well tomorrow morning, expect me to be at your door bright and early to teach you some things! I'll even bring my student Rock Lee along! You'll love him!"

I blink at him, the words bright and early ringing around in my head before a question takes precedence in my mind.

"Is this kid like you?"

I hear Kakashi chuckle from beside me before he speaks.

"Oh, you have no idea."

I look slightly nervous as I force a smile toward Guy as he sticks up his thumb before bounding away like an excited puppy. Once he was out of sight I sigh, bowing my head as the masked ninja chuckles again.

"You'll get used to him, he's a good ninja and teacher. Just don't tell him I said that."

I nod before I turn to walk up the stairs, as soon as I put all my weight on my injured leg to step up, I crumble a little - hands immediately sliding around my waist as I'm held steady.

"Maybe I should just carry you up the stairs?"

Kakashi asks, his head close to my ear as I feel my face burning again, I'm glad I was facing the other way.

"That's... Thats not necessarily needed..."

I mutter and he sighs, one of his hands moving to behind my knees as he scoops me up as if I weighed nothing, walking up the steps toward the apartment.

"You're incredibly stubborn, you know that?"

I just look up at him as I press my fingers to hide my cheeks, his gaze drifting down to me before I look away.

"I... I can walk from here."

I mutter and he ignores me, walking down the hallway to the apartment door, placing me down gently as Kit looks up at me, making sounds that mimic laugher.

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