Chapter 7

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"Kakashi... I'm not..."

"You're a Yokai?"

His visible eye was wide as he looks at me, his hand moving to hover over his Kunai as I step forward. My eyes seeing his fear as I stop approaching. My heartbeat racing as I look at him.

"I'm not like the others... Please you have to believe me..."

My tone shows no sign of aggression as I take another step forward, Kakashi grabbing his Kunai and taking a defensive stance. I stop again, my feet cold on the floor as I bow my head, my hands clutching at the pants and shirt the medical ninja changed me into. My gaze drifting to see Jiraiya, Guy, Naruto and Kit peaking into the doorway. My Fox immediately jumping from the boys arms and crouching low in front of me. Growling loudly at Kakashi.

"What the hell is going on? Kakashi-Sensei why are you holding your Kunai?"

Naruto asks as he steps inside the room, his sensei never looking away from me.

"She has a fox spirit inside her."

He says calmly, Jiraiya and Guy's eyes widening as they look at me. Naruto however, he just stands there - his body still.

"Naruto... I never expected to find you when I came here. I swear..."

"I think you need to come with us."

The Sage steps forward and I take a step back, my eyes glancing over to the window behind me as Kit growls, his form growing in size in a matter of seconds - Blocking their way to me. His eight foot frame towering over them as he slowly backs up when I reach over to the window, sliding it open as I move to perch on the edge.

"Aimi wait! Please!"

Naruto yells over Kit as I look back, meeting his eyes. I know that look all too well, it's a look of wanting to have answers. To know that there's someone else out there that's like you... That you aren't alone.

"I'm glad that they accept you here Naruto... Never take it for granted. Not for one second."

I turn and leap out the window, my body weightless for a few moments, Kit moving in a blur behind me and bursting through the window, his giant form shattering the glass as I land on the ground. My bare feet digging into the grass as I sprint away from the hospital, my fox right on my heal as the others gaze down at me from above. The boys face was all I could see, his eyes... I can't get that look out my head.

I continue to sprint into the night, tears streaming from my eyes as I kept my eyes forward. Just trying to get out of this damned village in one piece.


I'm crouched in the bushes, taking cover as Kit remains low to the ground next to me. Back to his smaller form to try and avoid any extra attention. It was raining now and the weird pajamas I was wearing were soaked through. My hair clinging to my scalp as I shiver at the cold.

"I don't know how we're going to get out of this one Kit... This was a mistake coming here... Please forgive me..."

I gaze down to him as he places his wet paw on my knee, comforting me as he communicates. My body moving deeper into the bushes as I watch a bunch of Jonin blur past, my eyes looking at the only damn path out of the village. Which they had pretty much sealed off.

"I don't want to fight our way out but I'm not sure they're giving us much of a choice."

I whisper to him and he whines, my gaze closely scanning our surroundings before I move again. Running across the grass as I jump up into a tree, Kit landing beside me on the branch as I try not to panic.

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