Chapter 6

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"Why is she strapped to the bed?" Jiraiya asks, confusion in his voice as I start to stir.

"Because she pinned Kakashi to the ground apparently. I'm sad I missed it, my biggest rival, defeated by a small woman."

An unfamiliar male speaks, his voice incredibly chipper which is the worst thing to wake up to and why does it matter if I'm female? I could kick ass regardless. Bunch of Sexists, the lot of em.

"I let her, I didn't want to hurt her anymore than I have already. I wasn't concerned about it."

Oh, there's the annoying Jonin I've come to hate. Did he seriously just say he let me pin him down? That he wasn't worried about me hurting him? I'm gonna have to change his perspective sometime soon. God he's so annoying. He just has that excellent ability to get right under my skin.

I let out a deep breath, my eyes fluttering open as I squint against the bright hospital lights, my vision slowly coming into focus as I see three grown men at the end of my bed. Two I knew, the other one? Well the other one looked like he was wearing a giant green onesie with weird orange leg warmers on his arms. Oh and did I forget to mention the bad bowl cut hairstyle? What an interesting choice... Maybe I'm still dreaming? Or it's a nightmare, that's more likely.

"Could you three go talk somewhere else? Don't you have better things to do than annoy me?"

I growl, my body trying to move before I realize that I was in fact, strapped to the bed. Like the Pervy Sage said. Slightly concerning when you think about it, I won't dive any deeper into that rabbit hole. If you know what I mean.

"We wanted to talk to you." Jiraiya speaks, his tone sweeter than it was when he was talking to the other Jonin. Which instantly made me wanna gag.

"And I have to be strapped down for this?"

I ask, my tone innocent before the unknown man smiles brightly at me, my eyes blinking repeatedly as I gaze at him because I swear, I saw a sparkle in his stupid smile when he stuck his thumb up at me. Maybe I'm tripping, did the medical ninja give me something funky? Someone couldn't possibly be this enthusiastic.

"You betcha! Can't have you hurting that pretty little face of yours!"

My nose screws up in slight disgust, my eyes rolling before moving to look at Kakashi.

"Is he always like this?"

The masked Jonin sighs as he slides his hands into his pocket, Kit moving from the foot of the bed to lay up by my head.


"How exhausting."

I mutter before I feel my fox's warmth and fur against my cheek, his tail drapping over my neck as I smile at him, Kit mentioning something to me telepathically causing  me to chuckle as I nod.

"Oh for sure he does, there's no doubt. You can tell by just looking at him."

"Did... Did you just talk to the fox? Like he said something to you?"

The unknown ninja asks, his eyes moving between Kit and I.

"They can communicate telepathically. Didn't I tell you this, Guy?"

Guy? Seriously? That's his name? Jeez, his parents got a little lazy there, didn't they.

"Is anyone going to let me loose or...?"

I gaze at the three of them as they all kinda look at each other, my eyes rolling again as I groan.


I curl my hands into fists, the straps binding me to the bed immediately snapping - causing Jiraiya and Kakashi to take a step back. Guy on the other hand was just looking at me in surprise. Idiots. All of them.

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