Chapter 17

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I had some time with Naruto after lunch, Kakashi was still around but he made sure to stay out of sight so I could have some 'space'. Not that I really wanted space from him... It was Guy and Jiraiya that needed to back off. Especially after Guy's reaction earlier on. They're both so, dramatic.

"I still can't believe that you used a power like that on Kakashi-Sensei. I've never seen anything like it!"

The kid says beside me as my fox perches on his shoulders.

"It's been a while since I used that move, it certainly proved a point though - didn't it?"

I chuckle along with Naruto who nods.

"It sure did! What did you think of Bushy Brow?"

I tilt my head as I blink at him with a confused expression.

"Bushy brow...?"

"Yeah! Lee!"

I couldn't help but burst into laughter at his nickname for Guy's student, it was so accurate. I playfully nudge him as I continue to laugh, Naruto laughing with me as he grins that cheeky smile he often does.

"He's an interesting character that's for sure, his resemblance to Guy is slightly creepy but hey - if it helps the boy reach his full potential then who am I to judge."

I say truthfully as Kit jumps down, his paws pressing into the dirt path as we walk through the woods. His eyes spotting a butterfly as he runs off to chase it again. Sometimes I forget he's a powerful spirit and not just a normal fox.

"Don't go too far!"

I yell at him as I put my hands in my pockets.

"So I heard you have a crush on my Sensei?"

I freeze, my body stopping as I look down at Naruto, my eyes narrowing.

"No... I don't..."

I pause before rubbing the back of my neck.

"I don't even know what a 'crush' is. So how could you possibly come up with that conclusion."

I mutter before I watch Kit run around in front of us.

"You don't know what a crush is?!"

I press my finger in my ear as Naruto screams at me.

"Jeez Kid, would you quiet down. I'm standing right here."

I look around, sensing Kakashi was nearby but not within earshot. Or I hope not anyway. I didn't need him to know about this conversation.

"Okay sit sit!"

Naruto pulls me to sit beneath a tree, I cross my legs underneath me as he does the same.

"A crush is when you have feelings for someone, more than friendship. You find them attractive and all that kinda stuff."

I tilt my head as I raise an eyebrow.

"How can I find Kakashi attractive if I can only see his eye?"

"Well, sometimes it's not about what they look like. Sometimes you like who they are as a person, how they hold themselves..."

Kit walks over to us as he sits down, panting like a dog as I think about what the boy said. He's quite surprising, I didn't expect him to explain it to me so well.

"And this 'crush'... It gives you a funny feeling in your stomach? And makes your cheeks all hot and red?"

I see Naruto nod as he grins brightly at me.


I remain quiet before the boy laughs, his face leaning toward mine as he smiles.

"You do have a crush on Kakashi-Sensei! I knew it!"

I press my hand against his mouth as I roll my eyes, shaking my head as I try not to smile,

"If you say anything, I will hurt you."

My tone was semi serious but it was mainly playful as I removed my hand from his mouth.

"Maybe he likes you too!"

"I doubt that, he seems to be irritated by my very presence most of the time."

I mutter before mine and Kits ears pick up on something deeper in the woods. Our heads turning quickly as my eyes switch from blue to their luminous orange hue.

"What is it?..."

My hand immediately presses against Naruto's lips again as I look at him, shushing him as I move into a crouch. My fox already moving into a defensive position as I press my hand to the ground, my eyes closing a moment as I focus on the negative energy that approaches.

"Six... Kabuto included..."

I whisper, hoping Kakashi would hear me as I look back to Naruto.

"You need to get out of here Kid, this isn't your fight."

The boy immediately shakes his head as he responds.

"No way I'm leaving you here!"

"That wasn't a suggestion, Naruto."

I growl as my eyes widen, my arms hooking underneath the boy as I pull him out of the way of some shuriken, the blades missing by a mere inch before imbedding themselves in the tree behind us.

"Get out of here, now."

My tone wasn't as gentle this time as Kit transforms into his giant self, snarling and barking aggressively as he charges towards the oncoming enemies.

"If you want to help, find Kakashi and the others."

I don't hang around as I follow Kit, chasing him deeper into the forest before stopping in a clearing, turning around slowly as I take in my surroundings.

"I know you're there! You can't hide from us!"

I yell as I start to see their individual chakras. These people aren't normal... Their energy is... It's wrong...

"It's so good to see you again."

My body tenses as Kabuto steps out from the shadow of the trees, my orange eyes turning to look at him as Kit barks loudly in warning.

"He's quite impressive when he's in his larger form. I never got to see it last time."

His voice was calm but had that menacing edge to it which pissed be off more.

"I'd avoid getting too close, you might lose a limb."

I mutter before the other five, uh, do they count as ninja if they're henchman? Let's go with henchman. Anyway, they surrounded my fox and I in a circle as I let out a breath. This wasn't going to be easy and I would be lying if I said that I wasn't worried about this one, these people have been modified - that's the only way I can describe it. They shouldn't have the energy they do, it's unnatural.

"I brought some friends of mine, I had a hunch that you wouldn't come voluntarily."

I didn't need to look at Kabuto to know he was smirking. God he's so pretentious sometimes. I see why he and the snake man work together.

"You would be correct. You said you were studying me, are you sure that you're capable of subduing me?"

My tone was blunt as Kit walked around me, his teeth showing as he growls.

"I'm certain. Don't get me wrong, I expect a few casualties but that's why I'm here."

I look at him now, my senses trying to figure out where my back up was, Kakashi said he'd be close by? So where the hell is he?

"They're a little preoccupied, if that's what you're thinking about. I needed to make sure you'd be alone. My Lord doesn't like to be kept waiting."

"Well your 'lord' can eat glass, I'm not going anywhere."

My fox barks loudly, the ground beneath us trembling as I see Kabuto smirk, the young man's gaze looking at the five other henchmen before he nods. My body moving into a defensive position as all six of them charge toward me.

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