Chapter 1

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"Smells like it's gonna rain..."

I whisper to Kit, my Fox spirit companion as he trots along beside me. His head raising to smell at the air as his orange bushy tail remains low to the ground.

I guess I should start off with introducing myself? I'm Aimi Hidaka, Kit is the elemental fox spirit who found me when I was, four years old maybe? My lovely so called parents decided I was the equivalent to human garbage and decided to quite literally throw me away. They abandoned me in a forest and I honestly would've died if it wasn't for him. Kit and I are linked by spirit, he decides to take form as a fox instead of residing completely in my body and I am totally fine with that. I mean look at the guy, he's freaking adorable. His deep orange coat and big blue eyes, who wouldn't love him.

We never really stay anywhere too long due to the single and only fact of, if people find out what we are? They tend to scream bloody murder, I mean yes, some of the fox spirits tend to be a little... Well, there's not a nice way to put this. They're insane! They live off chaos and destruction, they despise all human life and are quite happy to walk the path of darkness and hatred instead of the one Kit and I chose. Which is light, happy, we prefer to protect life instead of destroying it but unfortunately the other fox spirits have given us a bad rep and people don't give Kit and I a chance to prove ourselves.

"I think there's a village up ahead, we can stop there to grab supplies before coming back out to the forest to set up camp. Sound good?"

I look down at my fox as he lets out a bark in agreement as we continue along the road to the next town. We hadn't eaten for a good few days now and as much as Kit likes to hunt, I prefer getting food where I know they are prepared in a cleaner environment. Call me fussy, I don't care. I'm not eating day old rodents or berries that look a little like they'd have me on the toilet for three days straight.

I sigh as I feel a soft wind blow against me, the wind tousling my ginger hair as I close my eyes, enjoying the sensation as my hands grip the straps of my backpack. It is a beautiful day today even with the incoming rain and as I open my eyes and see the gates of Konohagakure, a small kid bursts out of the bushes in front of us. Kit and I both stopping as he lands heavily against the ground, my eyes blinking in shock as I look to where he came from - confused as to what he was trying to achieve.

"Uh... Are you okay kid?"

The small boy just lets out a groan as Kit sniffs at him, his eyes lifting to me as I nod at him.

"I can smell it too."

"Aww man, I almost had it."

The kid moans with his face in the dirt. My eyebrows raising again as I watch him sit up. His blonde hair messy, the orange... Jumpsuit? I honestly have no idea what it is but it's covered in dirt and rips. He'd clearly been up to something to cause that kind of damage, I mean - unless it's just a fashion choice but I doubt it.

"Almost had what exactly?"

I ask, crouching down and helping him to sit up. His big blue eyes looking at me with a cheeky smile.

"I was practicing a new move with my shadow clone jutsu..."

"Is that right?"

I say curiously as the boy notices my fox, his eyes drifting in between the two of us.

"You two aren't from around here are you?"

I give him a smile and laugh softly, moving to stand as I extend my hand to help him to his feet.

"What gave it away?"

The kid takes my hand and I pull him up, a cheeky smile brightening his face again as he rubs the back of his neck.

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