Chapter 10

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As we waited for our food to come out, I poured myself some tea. My hands wrapping around the cup as I enjoy the warmth as I bring it to my lips, sipping it quietly as I lift my gaze to see Kakashi staring at me from across the table.

"Can I help you with something?"

I ask, my tone a little blunter than I anticipated.

"You said you were abandoned by your parents, can you tell me more about that?"

His voice was calm, ignoring my attitude as I raise an eyebrow.

"Just getting right into it then?"

I sigh, placing the cup back on the table as I glance over at Kit, his ears back as he looks at me - already sensing my emotions regarding the Jonins question.

"I remember very little about my family, in all honesty I don't even remember the name they gave me. Whenever I try to think back to that time it's like their faces are blurred out, their voices muted."

The masked ninja folds his arms on the table, listening to me intently as I continue.

"It was raining heavily, terrible storms causing trees to fall down, even floods in certain areas. They left me at the entrance to a small cavern, I remember feeling the cold and the blanket they wrapped me in was getting soaked causing me to get sick."

Kit whines quietly at me as his paw rests on my knee, Kakashi glancing over at him a moment before returning his gaze to me.

"I was almost hypothermic when Kit found me. He was just a young cub himself, he hadn't wandered the Earth as a Yokai for very long so we were both new to it all. I remember him dragging me into the cavern a little more, his body letting out heat to keep me warm and dry. He'd even bring me water and food. I couldn't have been older than three years old at the time."

I pause as the server places our breakfast down on the table, my face lifting to give him a gentle smile as I thank him.

"Then what happened?"

The ninja asked, my eyes returning to him as I sigh again.

"Well then Kit had to make the choice of letting me die or..."

I scratch my fox behind the ears as he looks up at me.

"Or he could bind himself to me and his spirit would keep me alive. Would help me grow until I could do those things that everyone else does to survive. He taught me so much, we'd get into mischief and I would practice using the gifts he shared with me... He's my best friend and the fact that he saved me, showed me that he wasn't like the rest of the Yokai spirits out there. The amount of compassion he has for everything, I can't even describe to you how grateful I am to have him in my life, how grateful I am that he chose me..."

Kakashi just looks at me, his eyes softening as he lets out a deep breath.

"I'm sorry your family did that to you. I can't imagine it was easy. I see why you get so uncomfortable with human interaction now."

I nod gently at you.

"It's something I've been trying to be open to but when people scream in your face that you're a murderous monster... It makes that side of things incredibly difficult."

He nods beige changing the subject.

"You said you don't remember the name they gave you, does that mean you gave yourself one?"

I smile as I nod again, my hand nudging the bowl of chicken toward Kit to gesture he eat.

"I did. Took a while to find one that I felt fit but I settled with Aimi Hidaka after a few years of searching."

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