Only a week after this new punishment Namjoon received a note from the elder council. After delaying for weeks, even months, they had suddenly decided it was urgent to do the public presentation of the supreme pack. They would do the official ceremony in three days.

While the alphas had no ability to communicate with their final packmate they assumed the elders would ensure he was informed. Jimin picked out some comfortable clothes that would flow beautifully on the omega, wanting him to match the rest of the pack. Any excuse to see and lay hands on their omega was good enough for them.

When they arrived at the appointed place for the formal presentation the alphas found they did not receive a very warm welcome, either from the elders or the public. The presentation of the pack normally included a blessing by the elders and a promise from the supreme pack to serve the wolf community. This time the shouts of protest drowned out the official event rendering it all but useless.

The population clearly had turned. Small skirmishes had turned into full on attacks on groups of wolves. Several had died and the offending humans hadn't been held responsible. A young girl had been kidnapped, schools had been surrounded, elderly people were robbed. Things were going downhill quickly and there was no sign of the supreme pack intervening.

The pack stood there helpless as the crowd cursed them. They hoped as some consolation they'd at least be able to spend time with their omega but the elders insisted Jungkook stand on the far side of the stage from them, enduring the taunting all alone.

The alphas could see he wasn't doing well. He was hunched over, his eyes never leaving the ground in front of him. Tears fell to the ground from his face as he tried to hold himself together. He looked thinner than when they'd seen him last, his hair was a mess, and he face looked drawn with deep bags under his eyes. Being forced to see their omega like this was even worse than the criticism of the crowds. Each of the alphas pleaded to the moon goddess that she would create a way, any way, for the omega to return to them. Eventually something had to give.

The ceremony was ended early when the crowd began throwing rocks at the assembled supreme pack. If they had any of their powers remaining they would have simply taken Jungkook and run but in their weakened state even that was impossible. The whole situation was just...insurmountable.

Shortly after the ceremony Jungkook was returned to his room and the alpha's request for a visit with their omega was, not surprisingly, declined by the elders.

"How long are you going to keep him from us! This is ridiculous! You've had our omega for months now and he obviously isn't doing well, you need to give him back!" Yoongi was at the end of his rope as he shouted at the remaining elders.

Next to him Taehyung had simply burst into tears and fallen to his knees. "Please, we need him back. Please. We'll do anything. Anything at all. Just tell us and we'll do it."

The elders simply scoffed and motioned to security to usher the rest of the pack out the door. Everything was breaking down and nobody was sure how much longer they could possibly go on.


Nobody spoke. There was nothing else to say. There was no version of the future that seemed possible, that seemed like anything more than a never ending torture. As soon as they got back to the compound each of the alphas silently shifted into their wolf form for comfort and went to the sleeping den, trying to get any consolation from each other that they possibly could. Hoping for even a moment of reprieve.


Jungkook barely made it back to his room. His alpha guard largely had to drag him back, hoisting him up with an arm around his waist. The omega didn't have the strength to pull away, his wolf screaming at him as another alpha touched him. He was sure he was going to be sick.


Jungkook's breakfast was delivered by a new guard the next morning. The omega stared at the plate trying to work up the willpower to even take a single bite. Eventually he picked up the glass of water hoping to clear the dry scratch in his throat.

There was a small piece of paper folded under the glass.

"Go now. Down the corridor and out the back. Through the garden gate and just keep going straight as fast as you can."

Jungkook thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. Or maybe this was another way for the elder council to play a sick joke on him hoping he'd get caught to justify keeping him locked away from his pack for even longer.

Eventually he decided it was worth the risk. Quickly swallowing down the drink he slipped on his shoes.

Nobody in the hallway...

Nobody on the stairs...

Nobody by the back door...

Nobody in the garden...

Nobody at the back gate...

He went carefully, his heart pounding at the fear of being caught. Slipping out the back gate he quickly scurried for the treeline. From there only one thing was on his mind.


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