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I have been in this city many times but I had never thought I was going to live here. Two months ago, Andrew and I got married, it was a small ceremony with twenty people. I left Texas a week after Andrew and I reunited in New York. Chicago has opened many doors for me and my books and I can't be happier about it. Back in Texas I explained Sophie how I was feeling toward Andrew and turns out she didn't need any explanation. She always knew we were in love.

We live in a comfy apartment near Downtown. Today Andrew went to work and Sophie is in the school. I have a picture on my hands, it's the three of us during the wedding, we are dancing and laughing at something funny Sophie did. I want to have more kids. I know Andrew will be an amazing father.

By the way, did I mention I'm pregnant? Guess not. I guess the fact that we couldn't have our hands off of each other ended in this beautiful but tiny baby bump. Andrew doesn't know yet, but he has been asking me if I'm pregnant immediately a month after we made love for the first time.

Three weeks after Sophie and I moved with him he took me to the Lincoln Park Conservatory and ask me to be his wife. Sophie and Jackie were there. It was amazing what they did in the park before I arrived. I really wasn't expecting it. Everything appeared in the news, of course. But I did not mind a bit. I didn't hesitate before I said yes to him. I have waited to be his wife since the moment I kissed him for the first time. One month after that we got married.

Sometimes I feel like I'm dreaming and I wish nobody wakes me up. Not even Fred can destroy this new chapter in my life. My new Lawyer called husband has arranged a new deal with Fred, now he has to visit Sophie and if he doesn't have money, then sorry not sorry, he has to find a way to come to her.

I'm not feeling so good, this new pregnancy is giving me stomachache. I'm about to sit on the couch when I hear the sound of a new email on Andrew's computer. It could be from the photographer, he took some amazing pictures from our wedding and we hadn't received them, yet. I sit in front of the computer, but it's not an email from the photographer what I see, it's from a woman called Hannah, and the email says "I hope you like them" and a wink emoji. I'm curious, I make click and I start reading.

Dear Andrew,

Your boss told me to send you these pictures. I'm quite sure you'll enjoy them. I've noticed you see me the same way I see you, so why not sharing this art with you?

Tell me what you think about them. If you like them then I invite you to my apartment tomorrow night, I have a surprise for you".

Your fan,


I see four pictures of this girl named Hannah, all of them are professional pictures and she's naked in all of them. She's young, early twenties could be. Andrew has never talked about her, only about his boss. I close the computer, I take my purse and I head to the building where he works, call me crazy but I'm going to see firsthand if he's into something or not.

This is the end of my novel, I can't be more proud of what I've achieved. After more than a year, I finally upload the whole story. I finished this story quite a long ago, but I thought it was bad, and that nobody would like the story of Adria and Andrew. However, I just have fait that this story comes from my heart and that people deserves to read it. I know I still have a long road to write it better, correct mistakes and add more ideas to it, but for now I'm glad I finally had the courage to upload it. 

Thank you so much to the people that was honest with me. Thank you to the ones who have corrected my work. I will always be thankful to you because you've helped me to correct many mistakes. Thank you to the people who will be helping me to correct mistakes. I'm humble enough to say that your help will always be welcome in this wattpad profile. 

I hope you like the end of this story. I'm not sure If I'll continue writing it. I have another story that has been running inside my head for so long, and I want to give my all to start writing it.

Without further ado, leave your honest comments and likes, please.

See you on my next story!



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