Chapter 11: The plan

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Things are going according to the plan.

My dad is the best dad ever! 

He knows something is happening between Adria and I, and he's a good actor I must admit. I didn't know that part of him, and without even telling him what he had to say or do, he did it. I was the one who wanted to laugh, hug him, and scream of happiness.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. We are in my car, Sophie is already asleep and this time is different between us, there is no tension. Adria looks comfortable and cheer... cheerful? Can she feel like that with me? With my company?

"Hey, well, you look cheerful, like if you had a blast today, am I right?" She laughs softly. This time I didn't mean to do it, anyway I must stop staring at her or we can have a car accident if I don't see the road.

"I am feeling cheerful, it's hard not to notice, right? It was a long time ago since I had so much fun with a family like yours."

Now I'm beyond curious. "Where does your family live, you never talk about them, but you don't have to answer if I'm being too curious."

"It's a long story Andrew, I would like to share it with you but I'll need more than 10 minutes to tell it. We are almost in my house."

I don't want to pressure her to tell me something that clearly makes her uncomfortable. "Don't worry, I understand. Can I help you taking Sophie to her bedroom once we get to your place? I believe she is a bit heavy."

"Yes, thanks. She is no longer 2 years old after all."

We are here.

So, this is her house. She has a big, fancy and beautiful house. "You have a great house. Fred must work hard" I really try not to sound sarcastic because I must know if he's behind her success.

"Fred? He has a big fancy mechanic shop but he rarely works in there. He has some men who work for them, but his job is not what gave us this house, if you know what I mean."

Of course, I had that feeling since the beginning.

She lets me take Sophie to her bed, I put a blanket over her, she looks in peace, she is a nice girl, how lucky is that beast and he is so oblivious about it.

Adria takes me out of my thoughts. "Let's go downstairs."

She motions her head towards the stairs and I follow her. She walks in front of me and I can't help but stare at her perfect behind while we walk, she turns the light on and now that we are here alone and nobody around us, I want to kiss her, I want to hug her, I want to tell her how I feel!

"Do you want something to drink, Andrew?" What a great way to make some time, I don't want to leave yet.

"Yes, please, water is fine" She grabs a bottle water from the pantry, hands it to me and I while I drink, I look straight to her eyes, deeply. She blushes but does the same as me.

"Are you ok? Was the water good?" She says taking her eyes to the window.

"Yes, I just can't believe I'm here with you, I thought this day would end up different."

"Me too actually, but we can't avoid our fate, right?"

"I agree with you, maybe our fate is telling us something, we just have to pay attention, maybe it's already written, maybe we just have to read it, aloud."

I don't know when during the middle of my poor speech I got close to her, but here I am, right in front of her holding her chin. She is looking at my eyes, blushed and trembling.

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