Chapter 3: What's going on?

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Saturday morning, waking up at 8 am is getting difficult since I was awake until 4 in the morning thinking about her. I have so many questions I want to ask her, specially after what Ingrid said to me last night, but among all, there is one that I'm really curious about, why she doesn't come to the restaurant with her husband and kid?

I get out of the bed and start walking to the bathroom. I guess I haven't mentioned I live alone in the smallest apartment I could find, anyway I don't have to pay too much for this place and I never bring anybody here either, except for my mom and sister who come once in a month to bother me for everything I do or don't do. Although we live in the same town, I don't visit them as often as they beg to. I prefer being alone during the week, and weekends were made to be with girls at bars, I don't bring girls here either, it's easier to be with them in a bar than telling them to go from here in the middle of the night.

I hadn't been with a girl in a while though, could be because I had been with most of the girls from the bars I go to, but the last time I was with one I wanted so bad she'd be her, the woman of my dreams, the woman who doesn't have a clue I'm in love with her without truly knowing her. Although I want to, I really don't need to know anything from her, she's perfect, anything bad she tells me about her will change this feeling.

On my way to work I start thinking if she will be there today, it's not common to see her on weekends, but if her husband and kid are not around, maybe she doesn't have a place where to eat. I was in the middle of my thoughts when I see her driving her car right next to my old car. This can't be happening, red light, our cars stop and her head turns towards me. I freeze again, she may think I'm an idiot. Now she waves her hand, I do the same, she smiles, I do the same. Green light, she starts driving, I follow her. Wait, what am I doing? I'll be late to work, and what would she think?

After 10 minutes of driving, she stops by a supermarket, she knows I've been following her. She waves at me and ask me to come close to her. How can I say no? I climb off my car, walk to her and say "hi, I'm sorry I was following you; I was just curious to see where you are going". Honest Andrew, why didn'tyou lie? I'm crapping my pants by now, why did I follow her? Things were going great with her.

She only says "no worries, I thought you needed something that's why you were following me".

Of course, I need something, I need you. "I didn't want to scare you, I've been watching at you for some time at the restaurant and I'm kind of intrigued about you, but this won't happen again, don't stop coming to the restaurant though, I'm not a creep, and you are really beautiful" I sigh and it feels like if I ran out of air because she smiles when she sees I'm breathing deeply, but before she says anything, I turn around and walk straight to my car, I start it and drive away.

 Once I'm at the restaurant I analyze what I had done and spoken of course. Why? How? What? Stupid Andrew, you have never done or acted like this before. This is not me, I'm not a weak guy, women get on her knees for me, not the otherwise; I really need to take this woman out of my head before it gets worse. Tonight, yes tonight I'm going to find her replacement.


10 pm. 

Ok, I'm out of here. I go back to my place, I take a shower, and I call my mates, they are already at the bar. I drive as fast as I can, I need to get laid now. I walk inside and jackpot, there is her replacement. A beautiful brunet I have never seen here before... Wow, she is so hot. I buy two drinks and walk towards the ball room. She is dancing and I'm already turned on, I need to have her tonight. I stand next to her, and start undressing her with my eyes, this move never fails, she feels I'm starring at her, now it's the time when I speak "Hi gorgeous, can I invite you a drink?"

She isn't married to meHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin